Sunday, September 8, 2024


The Day of Darkness

Many Souls are diligently looking for a little light at the end of a long, long dark tunnel; but seeing absolutely no glimmer of light or hope. And there are those who keep marching into that long, long dark tunnel looking for hope that escapes them as they keep following the wrong leaders. The “Day of Darkness” is upon all who seek the wrong solution following false leaders-deceivers.

WE were told millenniums ago that there would be no brightness (light) IN “The Day of Darkness”; therefore we should seek a light from a higher source that promised us life if we were obedient to his Holy Word of Truth!  Joel 2:2,  Deuteronomy 28:13,  Isaiah 1:18-20.

“The Hour of Temptation” Shall come upon All the world to try them that dwell upon the earth (you). Only the Truth can make you free! We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against “Spiritual Wickedness in High Places” and against the rulers of the Darkness of this world. You must put on the whole armour of God to protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil (Ephesians 6:11-13,  Revelation 3:10)

WE are in a spiritual war and must return to God’s Principles and Commandments. We were given the “Signs of The End” Chapters and told what would occur here in these “Latter Days” among this “fig tree generation”. These are the “Days of Vengeance” that All things which are written may be fulfilled. Choose Life, Not Death!  (Deuteronomy 30:19,  St. Matthew 24:25,  St. Mark 13:13:19,  St. Luke 21:22).    

A Strong – Evil Luciferian Influence is permeating all over the land and having a deadly and detrimental impact upon so many people. The Vile One (Serpent-Satan-Dragon-Devil) knows that he has but a short time left to do his wiles and evil deeds here; and is roaming around to deceive and mislead as many as possible, as he only brings death and destruction. You must protect yourself from the wiles and sinister deeds of the Vile One (Serpent-Satan-Dragon-Devil). We are in a spiritual war! Avoid the painful pain and sorrow the Vile One  is permeating all over the land. Don’t keep dancing with the Dragon in the Devil’s Den. Don’t they know that the Vile One goes by many names and is the Old Serpent that was in the Garden; he is the one and only (Serpent-Satan-Dragon-Devil) – (Revelation 12:9,  20:2,  Genesis 3:15).     There is Only One Way Out! - 
St. John 14:6

Saturday, August 3, 2024


The Perfect Panacea – Solution!

Amid the growing frustrations and disappointments of the day all over the world by people in desperate need of a solution with the relief they need to survive.  Mothers are crying and children are dying for no sane reason at all from the out of control violence all over the world. In addition to the thieves, robbers and gangs, there are wars and rumors of wars all over the world taking the lives of many people. Afflictions are increasing and will get more severe as we get deeper and deeper into these “latter days” here in this “fig tree generation”.

There is a way out of this madness and Only One Way Out; and we were told and given the way millenniums ago. Just Ask and it shall be given to you, Seek and you shall find, Knock and it shall be opened to you. Therefore Action is required by you before you will receive any relief and Blessings. Subsequent generations are now residing in prior Bible Belt Neighborhoods, but many of them do not have the training, teaching and upbringing of the Bible Belt generation, and are wandering around with the “spirit of slumber”. Jesus showed us and gave us the way, and it is the Only Way!  (St. John 3:16,  8:32,  10:9-10,  14:6,    St. Matthew 7:7)

We were told to study to show thyself approved unto God and rightly divide the Word of Truth; and there is only one Mediator between God and men, and that is Jesus! It is up to us to choose whether we want Blessings or Curses. The land can be healed, but we must seek the face of God and return to God’s Principles and Commandments. To do otherwise is to continue in this out of control spiral into deep turmoil where there is no return to sanity. Man has continued to move toward this turmoil with no panacea at all, only out of control chaos. There is a Way Out to The Perfect Panacea – Solution! 
(I Timothy 2:5,  II Timothy 2:15,  3:16,  Deuteronomy 28:13,  30:19,  II Chronicles 7:14,   St. John 14:6)   Amen!

Thank You Heavenly Father For Your
Divine Providence

We Thank You Heavenly Father for your Magnificent Glorious Gracious Divine Providence in Guiding and Protecting Us Through These Perilous Times Here in These “Latter Days” in This “Fig Tree Generation”. We Know That You Will Keep Us Safe Through These Dark Days as We Remain Obedient to Your Holy Word of Truth. We Look Forward to Your Great Millennial Reign Where We Shall All Be Together Obedient to Your Righteous Teachings.

Our Heavenly Father Until We Meet In That Great Day We Pray That You Keep Us Within Your Precious Grace, This We Ask In Jesus Name, AMEN!

       St. John 14:6

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


A Solid Foundation is Needed to Stand On!

Amid the many turmoil of the day many people are confused as to what direction to take and who to follow. Peace is elusive among the negotiations between men in their quest to solve the conflicts and wars in the world today. They can’t seem to find a Solid Foundation to stand on, and keep having possible agreements fall apart. Peace has not come in the direction man has taken, and the prospects for conflicts have increased. Without a Solid Foundation to stand on man’s direction will keep sinking deeper and deeper into a sinkhole of no return.
(I Corinthians 3:8-11)

Man cannot redefine God’s definitions or redraw God’s boundaries for any country or state. God’s definitions and boundaries are definite and clearly defined and documented in his Holy Word of Truth! Man should listen to Alpha and Omega and abide in his Holy Word! Any nation (people) that forgets God shall perish. We can choose Blessings or Curses, as set before us by God; Heaven and Earth have recorded this day that God has set before you, Life and Death, Blessings and Curses. Therefore Choose Life! (Deuteronomy 8:18-20,  11:26-28,  28:13-15,  30:19,   Revelation 1:8).  The Choice is Yours – Choose Life! Follow Jesus!

“These are the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled”.  “The Signs of The End Chapters” in God’s Holy Word of Truth tells us this very clearly. We were told that there would be the greatest affliction since the creation and great tribulations. The Perilous times here in these “latter days” were prophesied millenniums ago (St. Matthew 24:21,  St. Mark 13:19, St. Luke 21:22). 
Repent or Perish (St. Luke 13:3, 5).

The Solution is in The Scriptures – Man cannot implement a solution that is contrary to God’s Solutions! No state, states, country, or countries can redraw or redefine boundaries which God has clearly defined in his Holy Word of Truth! Man is wandering around in the confusion of his own making and wondering why his solutions aren’t taking hold.  (Genesis 17:7-8,  Numbers 34:1-14).

There is A Way Out!  Return to God’s Principles and Commandments!
       St. John 14:6      

Saturday, June 1, 2024


Continuing Quandaries Fogging Up The Vision

There are many man made quandaries here in these “latter days” fogging up the vision and direction that will lead to better days. Many of the ills all over the land were created to mislead many to continue in the wrong direction. A continuing dark cloud on a sunny day fogging up the view, and giving some people brain fog. Many are false prophets that we were warned about millenniums  ago in “The Signs of The End” Prophesies. They enjoy their deception and delight in deceiving people, and have no vision that will help people to a better day. We cannot get to a better day by leaving the past behind. A painful past with no commitment to “restore the pledge” cannot be taken up the path to paradise. 

We are God’s Creation and must return to God’s Principles and Commandments to move on up the path to paradise. Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God (I Corinthians 15:50-52).  We have 2 Bodies (1 spiritual body and 1 natural –flesh body). There are bodies Celestial (spiritual) and bodies terrestrial (natural-flesh)  I Corinthians 15:35-57. When man dies the flesh (natural) body goes back to dust and the spiritual body goes back to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7).  All souls return to God in Paradise; but on different sides of the great fixed gulf. (St. Luke 16:26,  Ezekiel 18:4,  St. Matthew 10:28)

This corruption (flesh-terrestrial) must put on incorruption; and this mortal (soul) must put on immortality to move on up to Paradise with God. God’s great millennium is for us to be obedient to God’s Word of Truth (Revelation 20:4-7). Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God: We shall not all sleep, but we shall ALL be changed
  (I Corinthians 15:50-52).

“Latter Day Events” – There are many distractions here in these “latter days” here in this “fig tree generation”; wrong is being substituted for right, evil for good, and the wicked roaming all over with foolishness pedaled for truth. Evil cannot be rehabilitated and must be destroyed. There is no light in the long dark tunnel headed in the wrong direction. Satan (Serpent, Devil, Dragon) is roaming the earth with men causing chaos , confusion and death.

You must put on the whole armour of God to protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil (Dragon, Serpent, Satan). We are in a spiritual war (Ephesians 6:11-13).  The world is full of darkness and you need God to keep you from the “Hour of Temptation” that shall come upon ALL the world to try them that dwell upon the earth (Revelation 3:10).  There is A Way Out!  St. John 14:6

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Next Big Step Amid “Signs of The End”

In the midst of these “latter days” we see more people seeking a better life with more stability in their personal life and in the government that is leading them. Many see problems with the leaders and prospective leaders and the direction they are taking and proceeding in; the wrong direction. They keep talking about a solution and what they would do to solve problems and help benefit people with their programs; but they never-never take any actions to do anything beneficial for anyone except themselves.

The “Signs of The End” tells us that these events would occur here in these “latter days” and not to rely on the political process to establish Godliness. Many have been deceived and misled and succumbed to psychological cycles fed by schemes of the moment. This has occurred for generations as “there is no new thing under the sun”. . . Many today are downstream beneficiaries of such vile practices used to remain in control . . .

“The Signs of The End” told us that these events would occur here in these “latter days” here in this “fig tree generation”. Perilous times here in these last days, as these events must occur just as prophesied millenniums ago. The daily news is having a hard time keeping up with all the troubles locally and all over the land. You must be careful how you venture out of your house to go almost anywhere as crime is rampart all over the land from the big cities to the small towns and communities. People are getting more and more frustrated every day to the detriment of their health, physical and mental.

No people can leave their history behind and keep moving up and not expect a big fall; you must “restore the Pledge”. There are those here in these “latter days” that are living in abundance and should realize that they are downstream beneficiaries of the ill gotten gains of the prior generation.

Ezekiel told us that an “end would come” and the “land would be full of crimes and the city full of violence”. The land can be healed if we change direction and adhere to the panacea given by Jesus in II Chronicles 7:14,  St. John 14:6.  The wicked shall not inherit the land, and we shall see their demise. There is Only One True Most High Living God, and only one mediator between God and men, and that is Jesus Christ
  (Jeremiah 10:10-15,  I Timothy 2:5).

Saturday, March 2, 2024


The Winds of Change are Blowing Harder

There is tremendous change, chaos and confusion all over the four corners of the land; there are continuing troubles everywhere. Many people are trying to confront and solve their own personal challenges in the midst of the troubles of the day. We were told millenniums ago how there would be difficult and perilous times in these “latter days” here in this “fig tree generation”. “Behold, we have been foretold ALL things”. “There is no new thing under the sun”. “That which hath been is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun”. 
(St. Mark 13:23,  Ecclesiastes 1:9)

The “Winds of Change” shall be let loosed from the four corners of the land and blow even harder in the midst of these perilous times here in these “latter days” (“fig tree generation”). Many of us who grew up in “Bible Belt” neighborhoods have seen many of those neighborhoods become drug infested with high crimes, assaults, batteries, robberies, burglaries, murders, etc. Demonic spirits take over when you turn your back on God and drive him out of our schools, homes and neighborhoods. Many people can’t cope with the problems of the day and are having mental problems and depressions from growing up in environments that have driven God out.  (Daniel 7:2,  Ezekiel 7:2,  37:9,  Revelation 7:1)

These are the “Days of  Vengeance” that ALL things which are written may be fulfilled. There shall be affliction such as was not seen since the beginning of creation. Man cannot save you, or himself for that matter; this generation (“fig tree generation”) shall not pass until all prophecy is fulfilled. There is only One True Most High Living God that can give you rest for your weary Soul. We are saved by “Grace through Faith”  and not by our works that any should boast; it is a Gift from God! And faith without works is dead. Man cannot save you, man created the problems of  today by drifting away from God’s Principles and Commandments!  Return or Perish. 
(Ephesians 2:8,   St. Matthew 11:28-30,  St. Luke 13:3, 5,  James 2:17, 20, 26) .

There is Only One Way Out!  St. John 14:6*

Thursday, February 8, 2024


Freedom – Peace and Justice are Not Mutually Exclusive

There is a tremendous yearning for Peace all over the world in the midst of these troublous times. The Perils of today which is upon this latter day generation (“fig tree generation”) was prophesied millenniums ago; and we were told of the major events occurring today among us. There are wars and rumors of wars all over the world, but the “Signs of the End” tell us the end is not yet. There shall be affliction not since the beginning of creation; these are the “days of vengeance that all things that are written may be fulfilled”.  

There is “distress of nations (people) with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring”. The abnormal has been substituted for the normal. Wrong has be substituted for right and evil substituted for good. Some will not understand; they walk on in darkness: “all of the foundations of the earth are out of course” and a correction is coming.

Many people are praying for peace all over the world in the midst of all the chaos and confusion in these troublous times. Prophecy tells us that this generation (“fig tree generation”) shall not pass until ALL Prophecy is fulfilled. Daniel tells us of troublous times and what the end will be, and Ezekiel tells us about the “day of trouble” and an end is come. Zechariah tells us the “city that will be a burdensome stone for ALL people” and houses rifled and women ravished.

Revelation tells us what happens at each of the Seven Seals, Trumps and Vials; and that the number of the anti Christ is 666. There is Only One True Living God that can keep us from the “hour of temptation, which shall come upon ALL the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth” (Revelation 3:10).

There is a test to see who are obedient to the “Word of Truth”. There shall be true freedom, peace and justice in the “millennium” to those who are obedient to the “Word of Truth”! We can choose to walk in the light and not stumble walking on the dark side of the road. Don’t be among those who fall by the wayside, among thorns, in stony places and not on good ground. We have been “foretold ALL things (St. Mark 13:23,  St. Matthew 24:25).

We truly need God’s Great Providence to guide us safely through these perilous times here in these latter days. We know that we shall ALL be together in God’s Great Millennium Reign receiving his Blessings for being obedient to the “Word of Truth”. Keep us Heavenly Father within your Precious Grace until that great day; this we ask in Jesus name!
There is a Way Out!  St. John 14:6*