Thursday, December 19, 2013

Have a Strong Resume!
What’s on Your Resume?

The competition is getting stiffer as we get deeper into this highly technological 21st century economy. To keep ahead of the curve and be better able to compete in this economy, it is imperative that you maintain a strong resume, as the competition for good jobs will become even greater. Getting work experience and job training is critical, especially for our young people who will need a strong resume for future jobs, housing, credit, etc. It’s not too late to get the Economic Skills that you will need to compete effectively in this economy. In addition to colleges there are also, adult education schools, career centers, and other help available. Get Up and Do It!

Although many people confess to wanting to get ahead economically, some may be deceiving themselves and running away from the truth and missing the message.  A large number of  middle class jobs-paychecks are gone forever due in part to the Wall Street derivatives meltdown. Many jobs now are part time at or near the minimum wage, as employers choose to keep their expenses (especially medical expenses) within a known range. This was a rude awakening to many young people, who went to college and got a degree (but no job skill) only to find out that they had to settle for a low paying job for now. The biggest thing many got from college was a large student loan debt that cannot be repaid with the low paying jobs they are stuck with.

Many economically depressed neighborhoods are becoming even more depressed as wages are lower now for so many people. Some are waiting for things to get better before they get back into the job market in search of a better paying job.  But this may be a fatal mistake, as the workers who took the lower paying jobs this year will have an additional year of work experience next year. They will be able to show on their resume that they have multiple years of work stability, and have a stronger resume.

Households with 3 minimum wage workers may have a middle class household income of $30.00 an hour  (3 x $10.00) in many areas. The household will have a stronger application for housing, credit, etc. As a group the productive household can move on up the economic ladder more quickly than one individual alone with a low paying job.

GET UP AND DO IT!  We shall all be rewarded according to our works (labour).  Psalm 62:12,  St. Matthew 16:27,  I Corinthians 3:8,  Revelation 20:12, 22:12.

Stay in school and utilize career centers, continuing education, job training, etc. and acquire the Economic Skills that are in demand in the economy, and obtain a higher paying job. Some big corporations may also train you with a skill more so than some colleges where you may end up with a degree (but no economic skills). Don’t remain on the bottom of the economic ladder as everyone walks on the bottom. Trying to compete in this 21st century technological economy with no skill is like trouble going down the road looking for somewhere to happen. This generation must face the issue head on, we cannot keep running away from the truth and missing the message.

There is a Way Out!  The land can be healed! 
St. John 10:9, 14:6,   II Chronicles 7:14,   Deuteronomy 28:13.   


Keep Your Resume Updated?

Make sure that your Resume is currently updated so that you will be able to submit a strong Job Application, Housing Application, Credit Application, etc. Be responsible and show stability in your address and jobs.

How long at your current address?  _________________

Comments  ________________________________________________________


How long at your last 2 Jobs (Employers)?

Employer _______________________from ___________ to _____________

Employer _______________________from____________to_____________

Comments _____________________________________________________


Get Up and Do It!  You Can Do It and Move on Up The Economic Ladder. There are Career Centers, Job Training, and other Aids to help you get a Skill.


The Land Can Be Healed!  We Need Not Keep Running Away from The Truth.  (St. John 10:9,  14:6,

II Chronicles 7:14,  Deuteronomy 28:13).

                                    Books By Thomas J. Pyatt

                                                                                                    Available at
Great Ballplayers Before Jackie                           

Overcoming Along The Carolina Lowcountry    

There is Only One Way, AMEN!                        

Gullah History Along The Carolina Lowcountry

The Gullah People of Sandy Island                     

A Riverfront Town By The Waccamaw River    

                Also Available at:

Six Unique Books By Thomas J. Pyatt                

Also see: *      

Thursday, April 4, 2013

An Economic Step

Purpose – To encourage our youth to remain committed, motivated, to self-improvement by taking action to upgrade and improve your job skills; and acquire the Economic Skills needed to compete in the Global Economy. No one can do it for you, but you!

An Economic Step
The Next Big Step must be an Economic Step to adequately prepare our young people with the Economic Skills that will enable them to keep up with the Global Competition. There are Rising Economies in the Global Economy that will pass you by if you do not have sufficient Economic Skills to remain competitive globally amid such high technology. Our Priorities must be clearly defined; as Misplaced Priorities = A Recipe for Disaster. Other countries are training their young people for jobs and skills that are in demand in the global marketplace. Their young graduates leave school with the Economic Skills that prepares them to compete successfully upon graduation.
Financial aid to our youth is a good concept; but there must be a return on investment (ROI). When colleges graduates a majority of their grads with a degree and a large student loan debt, but with no Economic Skills to get a job with sufficient income to pay back their student loans, this only adds to the deficit and National Debt. No society can outrun a tidal wave of debt forever, it’s like water going out before a tsunami; – it will return and overtake you. When most of the college grads can’t get a job in their majors after graduation, this is a Major Problem that needs to be addressed on a National Level. . . Immediately!
Our inner cities are continuing to deteriorate as many of the students are not able to escape the vicious cycle of Hopelessness, and are not sufficiently trained to compete in the Global Economic Arena. There is a tremendous disconnect between what is being done and what should be done. Stay in School, Study and Work, Acquire Economic Skills. Many people just keep dreaming dreams that can’t come true and won’t come true. There is a Way Out!  We were told the way millenniums ago (St. John 10:9,10,  14:6). Following the traditions of men will only keep dreamers stuck deeper in the mud pile.
A Luciferian Influence has permeated a large segment of the land, resulting in chaos and confusion, with many folks just parked in idle going nowhere fast. For many it will be a very painful and prolonged economic stagnation; they are so fed up and frustrated with leaders on all sides that they may follow anyone who comes in prosperously and peacefully promising to solve all their problems. Beware!... This is a perfect scenario for the Devil himself to appear with an illusionary panacea and deceive many unawares. . .
The choice is ours; we can Study and Work and be prepared to compete in the Global Economic Arena by getting the Economic Skills needed in the Global Economy; or remain as we are. The Choice is Ours!  (Deuteronomy 28:13,  II Chronicles 7:14).  


There is A Way Out!                 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Next Big Step

Purpose – To encourage our youth to remain committed, motivated, to self-improvement by taking action to upgrade and improve your job skills; and acquire the Economic Skills needed to compete in the Global Economy. No one can do it for you, but you!



(And Stay Prepared)

The Global Economic Arena is now before us and The Economic Playing Field has been dictated to us. We must be prepared to Compete in it!

  • Identify Potential Job Opportunities (categories) in the Global Economy.
  • Identify Economic Skills needed in the Global Economy.
  • Acquire Economic Skills (not just degrees) needed in the Global Economy. (Identify your strengths and weaknesses - Reason for leaving last job?)
  • Establish Priorities and engage in Economic Networking. (Have Long Term Economic Goals). Avoid that which is Contrary to Sound Doctrine.
  • Obtain and Maintain the Proper A.C.E. (Attitude - Conduct - Environment).     
Attitude  -  Must be conducive to Accomplishments.
Conduct -  Don't engage in Conduct Detrimental to Progress.
Environment  -  Avoid Negative Influences and Bad Associations.

Being computer literate is essential for learning and may help you stay ahead of the curve. You can do research online and keep up with the latest technology and financial markets. Information is online. Maintain an up to date resume. You may even have to e-mail your resume.

In every economy in the world there is a need for good financial record keepers, accounting and bookkeeping. Other skills are also needed and in demand, such as, paralegals, medical assistants, auto mechanics, electricians, plumbers, sales, etc.

The economy may be down now with high unemployment, and companies are not hiring. There are many skilled and management people looking for work. Some are even going back to college and making it harder for some first time students to get accepted into college. Colleges and Universities all over the land are receiving more applications than they can accept. Many are becoming discouraged and dropping out of the job market. Different Economic Skills are now needed in the Global Economy. Know what Economic Skills are in demand in the Global Economy!

Don’t give up, know who you are, stay committed and prepared. Continue to send out resumes and continue to update and upgrade your Economic Skills. You may take classes at night or online. So be prepared as you may end up starting your own company or business. Continue to turn over dollars in your community as this will help create jobs. Be prepared for your opportunity because in the darkest arena a flickering of light will shine showing you your opportunity. Be Prepared!