Purpose –
To encourage our youth to remain committed, motivated, to self-improvement by
taking action to upgrade and improve your job skills; and acquire the Economic Skills needed to compete in the
Global Economy. No one can do it for you, but you!
An Economic Step
The Next Big Step must be an Economic Step to
adequately prepare our young people with the Economic Skills that will enable them to keep up with the Global
Competition. There are Rising Economies in the Global Economy that will pass
you by if you do not have sufficient Economic
Skills to remain competitive globally amid such high technology. Our
Priorities must be clearly defined; as Misplaced Priorities = A Recipe for
Disaster. Other countries are training their young people for jobs and skills
that are in demand in the global marketplace. Their young graduates leave
school with the Economic Skills that
prepares them to compete successfully upon graduation.
Financial aid to our youth is a good concept; but
there must be a return on investment (ROI). When colleges graduates a majority
of their grads with a degree and a large student loan debt, but with no Economic Skills to get a job with
sufficient income to pay back their student loans, this only adds to the
deficit and National Debt. No society can outrun a tidal wave of debt forever,
it’s like water going out before a tsunami; – it will return and overtake you. When
most of the college grads can’t get a job in their majors after graduation,
this is a Major Problem that needs to be addressed on a National Level. . .
Our inner cities are continuing to deteriorate as
many of the students are not able to escape the vicious cycle of Hopelessness,
and are not sufficiently trained to compete in the Global Economic Arena. There
is a tremendous disconnect between what is being done and what should be done.
Stay in School, Study and Work, Acquire Economic
Skills. Many people just keep dreaming dreams that can’t come true and
won’t come true. There is a Way Out! We
were told the way millenniums ago (St. John 10:9,10, 14:6). Following the traditions of men will
only keep dreamers stuck deeper in the mud pile.
A Luciferian Influence has permeated a large segment
of the land, resulting in chaos and confusion, with many folks just parked in
idle going nowhere fast. For many it will be a very painful and prolonged
economic stagnation; they are so fed up and frustrated with leaders on all
sides that they may follow anyone who comes in prosperously and peacefully
promising to solve all their problems. Beware!... This is a perfect scenario
for the Devil himself to appear with an illusionary panacea and deceive many
unawares. . .
The choice is ours; we can Study and Work and be
prepared to compete in the Global Economic Arena by getting the Economic Skills needed in the Global
Economy; or remain as we are. The Choice is Ours! (Deuteronomy 28:13,
II Chronicles 7:14).
There is A Way Out!