Monday, November 30, 2015

Remember The Days of Old – Deuteronomy 32:7
Prior Struggles of Our Elders

In verse 7 of the “Song of Moses” we were told to; “Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will show thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee”  Deuteronomy 32:7. We were told millenniums ago that there would be a great increase in Evil here in these “latter days” of this fig tree generation, II Timothy 3:1, 13,  Deuteronomy 31:29,  32:20-25.  We were told to be aware of the “Curses of Moses” if we departed away from God’s commandments, Daniel 9:11-14,  Deuteronomy 28:15-68.

Many in the prior generations grew up in Bible Belt neighborhoods on a solid foundation deeply rooted in a deep faith and belief in God, Jesus Christ is that solid foundation, I Corinthians 3:9-11. The elders taught us to be self sufficient and productive citizens. Too many in the current generations are going astray sinking on a foundation made of quicksand. They will not listen to their elders and change course; but, no people can leave their history behind and make it up the economic ladder to a better day. Many were brought up in the same neighborhoods at different times and on different foundations.

To get to a better day for all; we cannot forget the prior struggles of our elders; they have paved the way for us to succeed at this time in our history. There are still many obstacles on the path to success. Our elders have been overcoming obstacles for generations because they continued to stand upon that solid foundation, Jesus Christ. Our elders grew up in agricultural and industrial economies, but the youth of today 
must grow up and compete in this highly technological 21st century Global Economy. They must acquire the Economic Skills that are in demand in order to compete effectively, but too many are continuing to go astray.

We need more of our young people to acquire the Economic Skills in demand because it doesn’t matter who you are, if you don’t have any Economic Skills your community will not be able to establish an Economic Base in the communities in need. No people can rise and make the necessary economic progress until they themselves Act, and Do for themselves what no one else can or should do for them.

A rising tide raises all boats, but if you don’t have a boat you will remain stuck on the bottom in the mud-pile. Rising employment may also raise many wages, but if you have an Economic Skill you will receive a larger raise. Remember the days of old, and do not forget the prior struggles of your elders.

History clearly shows that people can overcome obstacles and establish an Economic Base within their communities. We have China Town, Japan Town, Little Miami, Little Saigon, Little Mexico, and striving Hispanic Businesses all over. We are All better off with so much diverse history and cultures here among us today.

We must Remember The Days of Old here in these latter days, as the Perilous days of Evil prophesied about millenniums ago is here today. We are in a Spiritual War, and must put on the whole armour of God to protect ourselves from the wiles of the Devil, Ephesians 6:11-13,  16-18.  A Luciferian Influence and the Kenites (sons of Cain) are here in these latter days, St. Matthew 13:37-43,  St. John 8:44. The Prophet Ezekiel prophesied that an end will come and that there will be no peace, Ezekiel 7:6, 15.

Any nation that forgets God shall perish as stated in Deuteronomy 8:19-20. A Return to God’s Principles upon which the nation was founded is the Only Way Out!  St. John 10:9,  14:6,  Deuteronomy 28:13,  II Chronicles 7:14.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Acquire Smarte Skills In Demand!


Get an Economic In Demand Skill and Move on Up The Economic Ladder!


Monday, August 17, 2015

A Journey Through That Long Day of Evil
(A Luciferian Influence)

Who Can Heal The Land, Who? There are no Secular Solutions or Political Panaceas to the Core Difficulties facing the land today. Political Correctness cannot camouflage the truth forever. To drift away from God’s Principles will bring upon  the Curses of  Disobedience, Deuteronomy 11:26-28,  28:15-68,  Daniel 9:11-14,  II Chronicles 7:14,  Proverbs 21:16.

Evil shall increase here in these latter days of this fig tree generation, I Timothy 4:1,  II Timothy 3:1-7, 13. Moses said that an Evil will befall you in the latter days for straying away from God’s Commandments, Deuteronomy 31:29-30. The Song of Moses further explains these latter day events of evil and its consequences, Deuteronomy 32:1-46.  Daniel also saw a time of great trouble here in these latter days, Daniel 8:23-25,  9:24-27,  12:1-13.

Jesus said to learn the parable of the fig tree, St. Mark 13:28-32. This generation (fig tree generation) shall not pass until all prophecy is fulfilled!  The Kenites (sons of Cain) are also here on earth now in this fig tree generation,  St. Matthew 13:37-43,  St. John 8:44,  Revelation 12:3-12,  Genesis 3:15. 

It was predicted and prophesized millenniums ago that evil would greatly increase here in these latter days, and that there would also be terrible economic woes; Ezekiel 7:1-8 tell us very clearly that an end will come, and that God’s judgment will be poured out. Their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord: Ezekiel 7:19.

God’s face will turn from us, for the land is full of bloody crimes and the city full of violence; destruction cometh and there shall be no peace, Ezekiel 7:22-25.  In James 5:1-7 it states, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your gold and silver is cankered.  Ye have condemned and killed the just.

This clearly predicts and prophesizes an increase in evil and violence, and an economic earthquake to hit here in these latter days of this fig tree generation. The economic woes and heavy laden debt that cannot be repaid is clearly apparent. A currency crisis will bring on bankruptcies, stock market meltdowns and untold financial burdens. Man could not have predicted these events millenniums ago; it was God’s prophets that prophesized that these events would occur here in these latter days. The effects will be felt all over the land. All prophecy will be fulfilled and come to pass just as it is written in God’s word of truth!

The hour of temptation shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth, Revelation 3:10. The reign of the anti Christ will be here on earth,  Daniel 8:23-25, 9:24-27,  II Thessalonians 2:1-11,  Revelation 12:3-12, 13:11-18.  The anti Christ will appear  here on earth at the 6th Seal, 6th Trump, 6th Vial, 666,  Revelation 13:18.

There is a Way Out!  -  Deuteronomy 28:13, II Chronicles 7:14,  St. John 14:6.
 Apply Scriptural Solutions!  -  The Solution is in The Scriptures!
Be A Doer of the Word!  -  Know The Truth – Teach Truth – Practice Truth

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free, St. John 8:32.


Friday, June 19, 2015

There is a Way Out!
Get The Word with Understanding – It was prophesied many centuries ago that perilous times would come to this current latter day generation. Our neighborhoods are becoming more economically depressed each day as wages are very low and will probably remain low for years to come. There is also a continuing meltdown of the middle class as a large number of good paying jobs have disappeared for good. The Wall Street derivatives debacle is still felt all over the land by people struggling to make ends meet. Many people are taking two or more part time low paying jobs just to make ends meet and stay afloat.

The Nation was founded upon Bible Principles incorporated in the English Common Law. The Declaration of Independence refers to a Supreme Judge of the World, and asks for God’s Providence. But many people keep running away from the truth and missing the message as they continue to take God out of our institutions and daily life. It was also prophesied many centuries ago that the four hidden dynasties would be used to deceive, mislead, and control people. The four hidden dynasties are politics, education, economics, and religion as stated in Zechariah 1:18-21.

Any nation that forgets God shall perish as so eloquently stated in Deuteronomy 8:19-20. The choice is yours and you need not continue to have confusion of faces, for there is only one true most high living God that brought you to this land founded upon God’s Principles. As we get deeper into the latter days of this generation with more perilous days it will become even more evident that man alone does not have a secular or political solution to the core difficulties facing the land today. We should get back to the Principles upon which God provided, as nothing else will heal the land!  (Jeremiah 10:10-15,   Isaiah 45:5-7,   II Chronicles 7:14,  Deuteronomy 28:13).

A Luciferian Influence has permeated a large segment of the land, as Satan’s offsprings (Kenites-sons of Cain) are here among us in this fig tree generation (Genesis 3:13, 15, St. Matthew 13:37-38,  23:31-35,  St. John 8:44,  I John 3:12,  Isaiah 29:13,  Ezekiel 33:31,  Revelation 2:9,  3:9,  12:3-12).

There is a Way Out!  This fig tree generation shall not pass until all prophecy is fulfilled (St. Mark 13:28-30). The Solution is in the Scriptures. (St. John 10:9, 14:6,  II Timothy 2:15, 3:16).

Our sojourn here is not just happenstance (Ephesians 1:4,  Titus 1:2). We must Know The Truth, Practice Truth, and Teach Truth! And ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free (St. John 8:32).

We are in a spiritual war – You must put on the whole armour of God to protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil (Ephesians 6:11-13,  16-18).       

Thursday, January 15, 2015

8 Days in The Beginning
Acquire Economic Skills

Rise Up With The Economic Skills Needed to Compete in This 21st Century Technological Economy!

Study and Work!  Study and Work!