Journey Through That Long Day of Evil
(A Luciferian Influence)
(A Luciferian Influence)
Can Heal The Land, Who? There are no Secular Solutions or
Political Panaceas to the Core Difficulties facing the land today. Political
Correctness cannot camouflage the truth forever. To drift away from God’s
Principles will bring upon the Curses
of Disobedience, Deuteronomy 11:26-28,
28:15-68, Daniel 9:11-14, II Chronicles 7:14, Proverbs 21:16.
Evil shall increase here in these latter days of
this fig tree generation, I Timothy
4:1, II Timothy 3:1-7, 13. Moses
said that an Evil will befall you in the latter days for straying away from
God’s Commandments, Deuteronomy
31:29-30. The Song of Moses further explains these latter day events of
evil and its consequences, Deuteronomy
32:1-46. Daniel also saw a time of
great trouble here in these latter days, Daniel
8:23-25, 9:24-27, 12:1-13.
Jesus said to learn the parable of the fig tree, St. Mark 13:28-32. This generation (fig tree generation) shall not pass until
all prophecy is fulfilled! The Kenites (sons of Cain) are also here on
earth now in this fig tree generation, St. Matthew 13:37-43, St. John 8:44, Revelation 12:3-12, Genesis 3:15.
It was predicted and prophesized millenniums ago
that evil would greatly increase here in these latter days, and that there
would also be terrible economic woes; Ezekiel
7:1-8 tell us very clearly that an end will come, and that God’s judgment
will be poured out. Their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver
them in the day of the wrath of the Lord: Ezekiel
God’s face will turn from us, for the land is full
of bloody crimes and the city full of violence; destruction cometh and there
shall be no peace, Ezekiel 7:22-25. In James
5:1-7 it states, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall
come upon you. Your gold and silver is cankered. Ye have condemned and killed the just.
This clearly predicts and prophesizes an increase in
evil and violence, and an economic earthquake to hit here in these latter days
of this fig tree generation. The economic woes and heavy laden debt that cannot
be repaid is clearly apparent. A currency crisis will bring on bankruptcies,
stock market meltdowns and untold financial burdens. Man could not have
predicted these events millenniums ago; it was God’s prophets that prophesized
that these events would occur here in these latter days. The effects will be
felt all over the land. All prophecy will be fulfilled and come to pass just as
it is written in God’s word of truth!
The hour of temptation shall come upon all the
world, to try them that dwell upon the earth, Revelation 3:10. The reign of the anti Christ will be here on
earth, Daniel 8:23-25, 9:24-27, II
Thessalonians 2:1-11, Revelation
12:3-12, 13:11-18. The anti Christ
will appear here on earth at the 6th
Seal, 6th Trump, 6th Vial, 666, Revelation 13:18.
is a Way Out! -
Deuteronomy 28:13, II Chronicles 7:14, St. John 14:6.
Apply Scriptural Solutions! - The Solution is in The Scriptures!
Be A Doer of the Word! - Know The Truth – Teach Truth – Practice Truth
Apply Scriptural Solutions! - The Solution is in The Scriptures!
Be A Doer of the Word! - Know The Truth – Teach Truth – Practice Truth
ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free, St. John 8:32.
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