Thursday, November 3, 2016

Satanic Terrorism Can Only Be Destroyed By God

Satanic Terrorism cannot be defeated by carnal man and his weapons. Man has chosen to move in a dangerous and deadly direction away from God’s  Principles and Commandments, and has deliberately excluded God from many of man’s institutions. These are very perilous days and man cannot get through these troublous times in these latter days without God’s Great Providence!
We are in a Spiritual War!

A Luciferian Influence (Satanic Ideology) abounds all over the land, and our sojourn here is not just happenstance. Man cannot protect himself from the wiles of the Devil (Dragon, Satan, Serpent). The whole armour of the One True Most High Living God is needed for your protection from the wiles of the Devil (Ephesians 6:11-13).  Stop and think clearly and heed the call to return to God’s Principles and Commandments.

That old Serpent (Satan, Devil, Dragon) has seed (off-springs) here on earth today (Genesis 3:13-15,  4:1-2,  St. Matthew 13:37-41,  St. John 8:44). The Kenites (sons of Cain) are roaming all over the world spreading a Luciferian Influence (Satanic Ideology) seeking to mislead people away from God’s Principles and Commandments.  The Vile One shall return  (Revelation 3:10,  12:3-4,  7-12, 13:11).

As we approach the critical crossroads we will have one last chance to select the path to a better day. But, the choice is ours, and many shall be deceived and continue to walk around with their blind eyes wide open (spiritually speaking) off the deep end of the cliff. Behold, There is Only One Way that will lead to better days (St. John 10:9,  14:6).

We were foretold all things millenniums ago, and will have to decide what direction to proceed in; don’t end up with the group where there’s weeping and gnashing of teeth . . .  in deep outer darkness (St. Mark 13:23).

There is Only One Way, AMEN!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Evil Prophesied to Befall This Latter Day
Fig Tree Generation

It was prophesied millenniums ago that Evil would befall the children of God in the latter days because they would stray from God’s Principles and Commandments. The Song of  Moses and Daniel tell us this very clearly (Deuteronomy 31:29-30,  32:1-47,   Daniel 9:11-14,   Deuteronomy 28:15-65).

Troubles abound all over the world with terror within and the sword without as stated in the Song of  Moses. There are no political panaceas or secular solutions to the core difficulties facing the world today. There is chaos and confusion all over the land with more to come, as these are the perilous times of the latter days where Evil will wax (increase) more and more as predicted in (II Timothy 3:1-13).

Many people may profess to have plans to solve the pressing problems (social and economic) but plans that are never pragmatically implemented is like the body without the spirit, or faith without works (Dead – James 2:26).

Many Shall Be Deceived – It was also prophesied in the Signs of the End chapters that many shall be deceived by false prophets (St. Matthew 24:5,  St. Mark 13:6,  St. Luke 21:8).  The anti Christ shall come, and by peace many shall be destroyed (Daniel 8:25,  11:24). Daniel saw a time of great trouble here in these latter days in this fig tree generation, a time never before seen in history (Daniel 12:1).

Listen to that choir that’s deep within your conscience, and don’t seek wisdom in the house of folly, the Devil’s Den, Sottish Satan is still roaming all over the land. 

There is a Way Out!  St. John 10:9,  14:6,  II Chronicles 7:14.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Conversations Without Righteous Action is Dead

As we get deeper and deeper into these latter days perilous times will come and there will be more calls for starting a conversation; but, a conversation alone is like the body without the spirit and faith without works, Dead (James 2:26,  1:17-20). Many people are stressed out tired in this fig tree generation, and see no political panacea or secular solution to the unending chaos all around. Many in this fig tree generation shall be deceived here in this latter day, and follow the vile one, anti-Christ (Revelation 13:8).

We are in a Spiritual War; and will need to put on the whole armour of God to stand in this Evil Day (Ephesians 6:11-13).  Righteous  Souls must Take a Stand, put on the Shield of  Faith, and take with you the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:16-18).  Many people yearn for peace and a return to the good old days; but, Peace and Justice are not Mutually Exclusive, and only a return to God’s Principles will Heal the Land (II Chronicles 7:14).

We are in a Spiritual War; and carnal forces cannot defeat the Satanic forces that abound when a people retreats from God’s Principles. Any nation that forgets God shall perish (Deuteronomy 8:19-20).  Carnal minds and weapons cannot defeat Satanic forces that abound all over the world, including in the land of plenty. The Kenites (sons of Cain) are here among us today (Genesis 3:15,  St. Matthew 13:37-41,  St. John 8:44).  The hour of temptation shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth (Revelation 3:10).

The Covenant is still alive and available to whomsoever will in these latter days here in this fig tree generation (Genesis 9:11,  Deuteronomy 9:11).  Don’t remain in the congregation of the dead (Proverbs 21;16).

There is a Way Out!  (St. John 10:9,  14:6). *       

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Don’t Cast Your Pearls Before Swine
(St. Matthew 7:6)
It was written millenniums ago that perilous times would come in these last days (of this earth age - in this fig tree generation) and that evil would INCREASE more and more. We were told this by the One True Most High Living God; Therefore, Don’t Cast Your Pearls Before Swine (St. Matthew 7:6) in these last days. Just plant a seed with people, and leave them as they are. Only God can germinate the seed and make it grow; there is Only One Savior.

If people refuse to read the letter God wrote to them, they will have to suffer the consequences of their actions and foolishness (Jeremiah 4:22.   Just Plant a Seed and Leave Them as They are (II Thessalonians 3:6-8, 14-16,  2:10-12, 
Romans 16:17-18).

Some have been given the spirit of slumber to this day, and have eyes that see but not perceive, and ears that hear but don’t understand (Romans 11:8,
St. Matthew 13:13).

Some are too lazy to adhere and be Doers of the Word, and will remain in the congregation of the dead (Proverbs 20:4,  21:16,  26:11).

Pearls are precious and valuable, and your most valuable possession should be God’s Word; the word of Truth, the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. Don’t Cast Your Pearls Before Swine!   
All are not saved because they refuse and disobey the Truth of God’s Word. The Prophecy of God’s Word is not sealed (I Corinthians 6:9-10, 
Revelation  9:4,  12:1-12,  21:8,  22:10-12).

There is A WAY OUT!  St. John 10:9,  14:6,  II Chronicles 7:14,
                                        Deuteronomy 28:13  


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Luciferian Influence (Satanic Ideology)

A Luciferian Influence (Satanic Ideology) has permeated a large segment of society all over the world. Satan has many names (Serpent, Devil, Dragon, Apollyon, Abaddon) Revelation 9:11, 20:2, and his evil spirit is all over the world today. Many false prophets are among us all over the land deceiving many people. Satan has many false apostles- ministers everywhere in pulpits deceiving many people, and Satan himself will come disguised as an angel of light (II Corinthians 11:13-15). Satan’s offsprings (Kenites-sons of Cain) are here among us today in this fig tree generation (Genesis 3:15,  St. Matthew 13:37-38,  23:31-35,  St. John 8:44,  I John 3:12,  Isaiah 29:13,  Ezekiel 33:31,  Revelation 2:9,  3:9,  12:3-12). There are Kenites here today in these latter days here in this fig tree generation. You must put on the whole armour of God to protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil (Ephesians 6:11-13,  16-18). We are in a spiritual war!

Man alone cannot defeat Satan (Satanic Ideology) and his followers here today in this fig tree generation. There is a Way Out, But, we must choose Life and Truth!     
The land can be healed if we would only do that which we were told to do
(II Chronicles 7:14,  Deuteronomy 28:13,  St. John 10:9,  14:6).

No people or Nation under God cannot drift away from God’s Commandments, Statutes, and Laws and retain God’s Benefits and Blessings. When a People or Nation shuts God out of their everyday life and institutions, a very evil Luciferian Influence (Satanic Ideology) gets stronger and takes a deadly and disastrous foothold in society. Crimes, Drugs, plunging moralities and disasters plague the land when a People or Nation drifts away from God’s Principles upon which the Nation was founded. There can be no Peace until there is a return to God’s Principles upon which the Nation was founded.

In God We Trust!

The Nation was founded upon God’s Principles as the Declaration of Independence so states.  The Declaration of Independence refers to a Supreme Judge of the World and asks for God’s Great Providence. All of the Nation’s money, coins and bills have written-engraved on them the words, “In God We Trust”.  History clearly shows that the Nation was founded upon and relied on God’s Principles for generations.

But, here in these latter days of this fig tree generation many people seem to be oblivious to current events while preoccupied with social media babbel, and some may be perpetually asleep. These current events were prophesied of millenniums ago; In II Timothy 3:1-17 we were told that perilous days would come, and that Evil would increase more and more. Babbel is confusion all over; and the prophet Jeremiah told us to flee from the midst of Babylon, Jeremiah 51:1-11. A very different and diverse governmental-political system could surely arise out of so much Babbel and confusion, Revelation 13:1. Everyone seems to be promoting their own agenda in the search for truth, but there is a famine of truth here in these latter days.

A Famine of Truth – Of Hearing The Words Of  The Lord, Amos 8:11 tell us that this is the famine of the latter days (not a famine of bread).

We must return to God’s Principles upon which the Nation was founded. Any Nation that forgets God shall Perish, Deuteronomy 8:19-20. There are Blessings for Obedience to God’s word, Deuteronomy 28:1-14; and there are curses for Disobedience to God’s word, Deuteronomy 28:15-68. The Choice is Ours, we can choose to do it God’s way, or we can do it our way. But, The Destruction of Evil Shall Occur. There will be no Peace until we return to God’s Principles upon which the Nation was founded.

The Destruction of Evil
In II Peter 3:10 it states that the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Elements (stoicheion) - taken back to the Greek refers to the rudiments; that means only the Evil shall feel the fervent heat and be burned up. God is also a consuming fire, Hebrews 12:29. The Righteous shall be blessed and inherit the land after the wicked are cut off, Psalm 37:7, 14-15, 20, 34.

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof  are the ways of death, Psalm 14:12. Death is just another name for Satan, Hebrews 2:14. Other names for Satan is at, Revelation 9:11, 20:2. Satan’s hour of temptation shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth, Revelation 3:10, the Vile one shall appear, Revelation 13:11,  II Thessalonians 2:1-5.

There is a Way Out!  Deuteronomy 28:13,  II Chronicles 7:14,  St. John 10:9, 14:6.  The Choice is ours!


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

True Freedom and Democracy

True Freedom and Democracy are Not Mutually Exclusive from Jesus and God’s Principles! A free government can only exist on God’s Principles; such free government must be established on a solid foundation in order to survive! Man must have a solid foundation based on God’s Principles. Many people may still have confusion of faces and don’t realize that it was the One True Most High Living God that brought them to a land flowing with milk and honey (Daniel 9:8).

Man is seeking to establish True Freedom and Democracy in governments based on his traditions and hope; but without Jesus as a solid foundation it cannot stand. There is Only One Way as so eloquently stated in the Scriptures millenniums ago. You can be the head and not the tail, but only if you do the prerequisite stated in Deuteronomy 28:13,  II Chronicles 7:14).  If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: (Isaiah 1:19).  But if you refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it (Isaiah 1:20).

Free – Only the Truth can make you free (St. John 8:32).  There is a way out
(St. John 3:16,  10:9,  14:6).  To drift away from God’s Principles will surely lead to a deadly decline, and can only end in a great disaster! No people or country can experience True Freedom and Democracy without adhering to God’s Principles. No country in the history of the world has ever had True Freedom and Democracy relying on man’s traditions and moving away from God’s Principles. Man’s law leads to dictatorship and persecution, death and destruction, with no True Freedom and Democracy.

Political Correctness cannot camouflage the Truth forever; as there are no Political Panaceas and no Secular Solutions to the core difficulties facing the land today. Freedom and Democracy is based on the English Common Law, which is derived from and has its genesis in the Holy Scriptures and God’s Principles. Man cannot produce a better system of government that’s not based on God’s Principles.  Every system of government not based upon God’s Principles has failed to deliver True Freedom and Democracy to its people. A few at the top in such countries have always tried to masquerade a counterfeit democracy to the world to enhance their image.

Man’s governments are experiencing grave troubles all over the world, with each differing factions trying to establish their form of government at the expense of everyone else. Troubles abound all over the world with no true peace coming; as we get deeper and deeper into these perilous days with many more to come, it will only bring more extreme devastation, and intense suffering all over the world. Government’s not found upon and resting on God’s Principles will continue to slide and sink with no solid foundation to rest upon.

There is a call for people all over the world to work together and establish peace. This has been tried before and failed (Tower of Babel). There is nothing new under the sun as so eloquently stated in Ecclesiastes 1:9.  The final chapter has been written millenniums ago.  The Choice is Ours!
The Civil Rights Movement succeeded because it was anchored on a solid foundation; a deep and abiding faith and belief in God and God’s Principles. A movement born in the church in the Deep South by people proceeding in a righteous direction following God’s Principles!

Freedom, Democracy, Jesus and God’s Principles are Not Mutually Exclusive!

America’s founding fathers established a form of government founded upon and based on the English Common Law and God’s Principles. The Declaration of Independence refers to a Supreme Judge of the World, and asks for God’s Great Providence. It was God that provided America (of House of Israel) with such a marvelous land and blessings.

Such blessings will disappear if we continue to drift away from God’s Principles, just to be politically correct. The land can be healed, and there is a way out!         (II Chronicles 7:14,  Deuteronomy 28:13,  St. John 3:16, 8:32, 10:9-10, 14:6).

The Solution is in the Scriptures!  Apply Scriptural Solutions!
 Adhere to God’s Word!   The word shall not pass away!  (St. Matthew 24:35,
 St. Mark 13:31,  St. Luke 21:33).   Abide in Jesus  (St. John 15:3-7).
          There is Only One Way, AMEN!


Wednesday, February 3, 2016


   There is Only One Way, AMEN!


Thursday, January 14, 2016

                                       Books By Thomas J. Pyatt
                                                                                                    Available at
Great Ballplayers Before Jackie                          
Overcoming Along The Carolina Lowcountry    
There is Only One Way, AMEN!                        
Gullah History Along The Carolina Lowcountry
The Gullah People of Sandy Island                      
A Riverfront Town By The Waccamaw River     

                Also Available at: