Thursday, November 3, 2016

Satanic Terrorism Can Only Be Destroyed By God

Satanic Terrorism cannot be defeated by carnal man and his weapons. Man has chosen to move in a dangerous and deadly direction away from God’s  Principles and Commandments, and has deliberately excluded God from many of man’s institutions. These are very perilous days and man cannot get through these troublous times in these latter days without God’s Great Providence!
We are in a Spiritual War!

A Luciferian Influence (Satanic Ideology) abounds all over the land, and our sojourn here is not just happenstance. Man cannot protect himself from the wiles of the Devil (Dragon, Satan, Serpent). The whole armour of the One True Most High Living God is needed for your protection from the wiles of the Devil (Ephesians 6:11-13).  Stop and think clearly and heed the call to return to God’s Principles and Commandments.

That old Serpent (Satan, Devil, Dragon) has seed (off-springs) here on earth today (Genesis 3:13-15,  4:1-2,  St. Matthew 13:37-41,  St. John 8:44). The Kenites (sons of Cain) are roaming all over the world spreading a Luciferian Influence (Satanic Ideology) seeking to mislead people away from God’s Principles and Commandments.  The Vile One shall return  (Revelation 3:10,  12:3-4,  7-12, 13:11).

As we approach the critical crossroads we will have one last chance to select the path to a better day. But, the choice is ours, and many shall be deceived and continue to walk around with their blind eyes wide open (spiritually speaking) off the deep end of the cliff. Behold, There is Only One Way that will lead to better days (St. John 10:9,  14:6).

We were foretold all things millenniums ago, and will have to decide what direction to proceed in; don’t end up with the group where there’s weeping and gnashing of teeth . . .  in deep outer darkness (St. Mark 13:23).

There is Only One Way, AMEN!