Days in The Beginning (first 8 Days)
1 -
God divided the light from the darkness; Light is
Day and Darkness is
Night (Genesis 1:4-5).
Night (Genesis 1:4-5).
2 -
God made firmament-Heaven (Genesis 1:7-8).
3 -
God put the waters in one place and dry land
appeared; Earth and Seas
(Genesis 1:9-13).
(Genesis 1:9-13).
4 -
God made two great lights, the sun to rule the day
and the moon to rule
the night, stars were made also (Genesis 1:16-19).
the night, stars were made also (Genesis 1:16-19).
5 -
God created great whales, all creatures and winged
6 -
God created cattle, beast and everything that
creepeth, male and female
(all races) Genesis 1:26-31. 6th Day man to have dominion over:
(all races) Genesis 1:26-31. 6th Day man to have dominion over:
of sea -
Fowl of air - hunters
Cattle - herdmen
Every creeping thing
(No man created to till the ground on the 6th day)
Fowl of air - hunters
Cattle - herdmen
Every creeping thing
(No man created to till the ground on the 6th day)
7 -
God rested, blessed the 7th Day and
sanctified it (Genesis 2:3).
8 -
God said there was not a man to till the ground (Genesis
The man created on the 6th Day was not for tilling the ground.
On this 8th Day God formed man of the dust of the ground to till the
ground (Genesis2:6-7). Adam – eth-Haadham
The man created on the 6th Day was not for tilling the ground.
On this 8th Day God formed man of the dust of the ground to till the
ground (Genesis2:6-7). Adam – eth-Haadham
God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and
put the man he had formed
(Adam – Genesis 2:8)
(Adam – Genesis 2:8)
The Tree of Life (Christ) was in the midst of the
Garden of Eden, and the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil (Serpent, Satan,
Dragon, Devil (Genesis 2:9).
Trees are symbolic for people (Isaiah 61:3).
Serpent is just another name for Satan, Dragon, Devil (Revelation 20:2).
Serpent is just another name for Satan, Dragon, Devil (Revelation 20:2).
The Serpent (Satan, Dragon, Devil) beguiled Eve, and
the Serpent has seed (offsprings) on earth today (Genesis 3:13-15, St. Matthew 13:36-43, St. John 8:44). Cain is not in Adam’s genealogy (Genesis 5:1-