Wednesday, July 19, 2017

8 Days in The Beginning (first 8 Days)

Day 1  -  God divided the light from the darkness; Light is Day and Darkness is
                Night  (Genesis 1:4-5).

Day 2  -  God made firmament-Heaven  (Genesis 1:7-8).

Day 3  -  God put the waters in one place and dry land appeared; Earth and Seas
               (Genesis 1:9-13).

Day 4  -  God made two great lights, the sun to rule the day and the moon to rule
                the night, stars were made also  (Genesis 1:16-19).

Day 5  -  God created great whales, all creatures and winged fowls

Day 6  -  God created cattle, beast and everything that creepeth, male and female
               (all races)  Genesis 1:26-31.  6th Day man to have dominion over:
                   Fish of sea  -  fishermen
                   Fowl of air  -  hunters
                   Cattle          -  herdmen
                   Every creeping thing 
                        (No man created to till the ground on the 6th day)

Day 7  -  God rested, blessed the 7th Day and sanctified it  (Genesis 2:3).

Day 8  -  God said there was not a man to till the ground  (Genesis 2:5).
               The man created on the 6th Day was not for tilling the ground.
               On this 8th Day God formed man of the dust of the ground to till the
 (Genesis2:6-7).    Adam – eth-Haadham
               God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and put the man he had formed
               (Adam – Genesis 2:8)

The Tree of Life (Christ) was in the midst of the Garden of Eden, and the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil (Serpent, Satan, Dragon, Devil (Genesis 2:9).

Trees are symbolic for people (Isaiah 61:3).
Serpent is just another name for Satan, Dragon, Devil (Revelation 20:2).

The Serpent (Satan, Dragon, Devil) beguiled Eve, and the Serpent has seed (offsprings) on earth today (Genesis 3:13-15,  St. Matthew 13:36-43,  St. John 8:44).  Cain is not in Adam’s genealogy (Genesis 5:1- 32).

        There is Only One Way, AMEN!