Sunday, January 21, 2018

Any Nation That Forgets God SHALL Perish      
Deuteronomy 8:19-20,  Psalm 9:17

Amid the chaos and confusion in these latter days here in this fig tree generation, a sense of morality is deteriorating rapidly; with spiritual wickedness in high places and the rulers of the darkness of this world spewing their wickedness all over the land. The troubles of these latter days were prophesied millenniums ago, and this fig tree generation will not pass until ALL Prophesy is fulfilled. Many people are caught up in the babel-confusion and occurrences of the day, and are becoming more and more confused and depressed. Many sorrows shall come to pass in these latter days. .. As we have been foretold all things  (St. Matthew 24:25,  St. Mark 13:23).
Behold . . . Know This, That there is Only One True Most High Living God, and His Principles and Commandments and Laws SHALL Not Pass Away, and He SHALL Rule ALL Nations  (Jeremiah 10:10-15,  Isaiah 45:5-7,  Revelation 19:15).  But, there are Evil men today that still believe that their way will prevail, and they will continue to spew hate in their darkness in an attempt to deceive and mislead the masses of people. God still speaks to us, as ALL Souls belong to God, but fools despise wisdom and instruction, and hate knowledge (St. John 15:3,  Ezekiel 18:4,  Proverbs 1:7, 22).

A Luciferian Influence is still permeating the land as the Kenites (sons of Cain) are roaming around causing confusion (Genesis 3:15,  St. John 8:44). A third of the people who followed the Vile One (Dragon) in the first earth age are here on earth today; The Dragon’s tail drew the third part of the stars (people) in the first earth age (Revelation 1:20,  12:3-4). The Vile-Evil One goes by many names (Serpent, Satan, Dragon, Devil (Revelation 20:2).

And that Old Serpent (Satan, Dragon, Devil) shall return as the Anti Christ with his fallen angels; That Old Serpent in the garden was none other than the Devil, Satan himself. We are in a Spiritual War – Protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil (Ephesians 6:11-13).

We judge not any man, but, you need only keep your eyes and ears open, and people will show you and tell you who they are; one’s conduct and actions cannot be ignored. Every man is known by his own fruit (St. Luke 6:43).
We have two bodies, a spiritual body (soul) and a natural body (flesh)
(I Corinthians 15:35-58). When we die our spiritual body (soul) goes back to God, and our natural body (flesh) goes back to the dust of the ground (Genesis 3:19,  Ecclesiastes 12:7,  St. Matthew 10:28,  II Corinthians 5:6-8).  All souls return to God in Heaven, but, we shall not all be on the same side of the great fixed gulf 
(St. Luke 16:26).

The Choice is Yours (You)  - Return to God’s Principles and Commandments, or Suffer the Curses of Disobedience (Daniel 9:11-14,  Deuteronomy 11:26-28,  28:13-15).

There is Only One Way, AMEN!  (St. John 14:6).
