Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Dark Days A-Coming

Latter Day Events we are experiencing now were prophesied of millenniums ago. The One True Most High Living God knew that his children would drift away from his Principles and Commandments here in these Latter Days here in this Fig Tree Generation. Jesus said to learn the Parable of The Fig Tree. All Prophecy Shall come to pass (be fulfilled) before this generation ends (fig tree generation). Man has no cure for the deep seated ills of the current day, there are no political panaceas or secular solutions to the core difficulties facing the land today. Only God The Creator can heal the troubling Ills of today.

Everyone must choose the God whom he will serve; but you must put on the whole armour of the One True Most High Living God to protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil (Satan-Serpent-Dragon). We are in a spiritual war (Ephesians 6:11-13,  Revelation 20:2).

A Luciferian Influence abounds all over the land. The Devil (Satan-Serpent-Dragon) has seed (off-springs) here on earth today, they are the Kenites (sons of Cain). They cannot and will not tell the truth, and will keep spreading lies all over to deceive as many people as possible (Genesis 3:13-15,  St. John 8:44,  St. Matthew 13:35-43,  Revelation 12:3-4, 20:2).  They are paving the way for the return of the anti-Christ (Vile One). The Vile One (Devil-Satan-Serpent-Dragon) shall return to this earth and mislead many people (Revelation 12:7-12,  13:8, 20:2).

The prophets prophesied of these perilous latter days here in this fig tree generation with evil increasing more and more (Ezekiel 7:1-11, 19,  Daniel 9:11,  12:1-4, 10, Hoses 14:9,  Zechariah 13:8-9,  Joel 2:2, 10-11, 31,  St. Matthew 24:21,  St. Luke 21:25,  James 5:1-7,  II Thessalonians 2:3,  Revelation 2:9,  3:9-10,  Deuteronomy 8:19-20,  28:15,  31:29-30,  32:1-46,  Psalm 9:17).

Jesus said, Behold, I have foretold you ALL Things (St. Mark 13:23). You must have the seal of God in your forehead, or you will be deceived by the Devil (Satan-Serpent-Dragon) and his followers.

This generation (fig tree) shall not pass until ALL Prophecy is fulfilled (St. Matthew 24:34,  St. Mark 13:28,  St. Luke 21:30).

There is A Way Out!  St. John 10:9,  14:6   

www.zazzle.com/OnlyOneWay*            www.createspace.com/3914881