Monday, June 3, 2019

Tweets For The Moment

Laws MUST Be Righteous and Apply to The Stranger Within Thy Borders, and Not Oppress The Poor.
 Jeremiah 22:3,  Leviticus 24:22,  Proverbs 14:31,  St. Matthew 25:40,  Romans 14:11-12.

Evil and Demonic Policies are an Abomination. We are in a spiritual war . . .   The Rulers of the Darkness of this world are attacking, and a Luciferian Influence abounds all over the land.  There is spiritual wickedness in high places.
 Ephesians 6:11-13.
The Devil (Satan-Serpent-Dragon) has off-springs here on earth today. A Third of the people followed the Devil in the first earth age, and they are here on earth today; the Devil and his fallen angels shall be cast down to earth.
Genesis 3:13-15,  St. John 8:44,   I John 3:12,   Revelation 12:3-4, 9-12,  20:2.

The Devil (Satan-Serpent-Dragon) has false apostles, and ministers here on earth today, disguised and deceiving many people.
II Corinthians 11:13-15,   St. Matthew 24:5,   St. Mark 13:6,   St. Luke 21:8.

Evil WILL Befall you in the Latter Days, and ANY Nation that forgets God SHALL Perish.  Return to God’s  Commandments and Principles.
Deuteronomy 31:29,  32:1-44,  8:19-20,  28:15-65.
Daniel  9:11-14,   Psalm 9:17.