Sunday, July 28, 2019

Please Help The Children!
Children are Dying and Mothers are Crying

In The Midst of All The Luciferian Influence that Abounds All Over The Land, People of Righteous Conviction Must Stand Up For Truth! There is Tremendous Chaos and Confusion with Bedlam By The Deceivers Deliberately Deceiving Many People. We Must Know The Truth, Practice Truth and Teach Truth! It’s a Lot Easier to Just Do The Right Thing – The Righteous Thing! You Shall Surely Reap What You Sow!  Act Now!  (Galatians 6:7).

The Devil (Satan-Serpent-Dragon) Vile One has some Evil, Evil Deceivers here on earth today deceiving many people (II Corinthians 11:13-15,   St. John 8:44). The rulers of the darkness of this world are spewing their Satanic Evil every day. The Luciferian Influence abounds all over, and the wiles of the Devil is seeking to destroy many. We are in a spiritual war (Ephesians 6:11-13).

The Path Up to Progress is Very Difficult When You’re Carrying Children in Cages. The Nations and Good People of The Land Must Act Now to Help The Children Who are Truly Innocent and Deserve Decent Treatment and Good Care. No Nation or People Can Continue to Be Prosperous Unless They Proceed in a Righteous Direction. Man did not create this earth; this earth is God’s great creation. We Shall All Return From Whence We Came, as All Souls Belong to God! (Ezekiel 18:4,  Ecclesiastes 12:7).

Can The Nations and Good People Unite to Help The Children in Cages? What is The Higher Purpose of The Nations and People if They Cannot Act to Rescue The Children in Cages. If They Would Each Take a Few, We Could See How The Nations and People are Fulfilling a Higher Purpose and Calling. If The Nations are Truly United, Fear Cannot Deter Them When They are Answering a Higher Calling.

To Do Otherwise is to Perish for Not Adhering to God’s Principles and Commandments!  Deuteronomy 8:19-20,  Psalm 9:17.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

It’s Midnight at High Noon in The Big House

It’s Approaching Midnight at High Noon Under a Bright Sunlit Sky, But, A Dark Day for Many, as the Deceivers are roaming all over the land deceiving many. The Stupor of Slumber is Upon the Waters (People).  (Romans 11:7-8,  Revelation 17:15).

A Luciferian Influence Abounds all over the land, with constant bedlam. The Situation is like a Deep Swamp full of Demonic Monsters. If You drain the swamp the monsters will still be there waiting to eat You up in a swift and surprise attack. You cannot destroy the Demonic Monsters  and should rely on Someone who can destroy them; The One True Most High Living God (Jeremiah 10:10-15,  St. John 10:9,  14:6).

We were told millenniums ago and given the Signs of The End of this Earth Age. That this generation (fig tree) SHALL not pass until ALL Prophecy is fulfilled. The Fate of the Tribes in the Last Days were foretold Millenniums ago; They were told what Shall Befall them in the Last Days. We are here in this Fig Tree Generation in these Latter Days. These Prophecies SHALL come to pass exactly as Prophesied
(St. Matthew 24:1-51,  St. Mark 13:1-37,  St. Luke 21:1-38,
Genesis 49:8-12,  22-26,  Hosea 5:5-7).
The Word Shall not pass away! Return to God’s Principles and Commandments! The Land Needs a Healing, and will not be healed until we do what we were commanded to do; The Choice is Ours, Act Now! (II Chronicles 7:14).

Many are roaming to and fro seeking solutions and finding none, as there are no Political Panaceas or Secular Solutions to the core difficulties facing the land today. There is a Way Out! (St. John 14:6).*