Friday, October 11, 2019

A Message of Truth – Troublous Times
Troublous Times in The Latter Days

We were told millenniums ago what would occur here in this “fig tree generation” in these Latter Days. It was prophesied that Perilous times would come in the last days. This “fig tree generation” SHALL Not Pass until ALL Prophesy is fulfilled exactly as written; whether or not you believe or understand it. We were told to “Study and Rightly Divide the Word of Truth”. We need not keep marching off the deep end of the cliff, succumbing to Babel all around.

Daniel had a vision and saw a time of great trouble here in the latter days; where the curses of Moses would be upon the people for going astray. Moses also warned the children of the evil that would befall them in the latter days for going astray; the Song of Moses also foretell of Great Trouble. Ezekiel also saw a “time of the end” here in these last days.  Daniel 9:11-14,  12:1-2, 10,  Deuteronomy 28:15-65,  31:29-30,  32:1-47,  Ezekiel 7:1-7, 15-27.  A Vision for Now-Daniel Chapter 8.

The “Signs of the End” Chapters, St. Matthew Chapter 24, St. Mark Chapter 13, St. Luke Chapter 21 also tells us what would occur here in this “fig tree generation” here in these last days. Timothy also tells of Perilous Times in the last days. James tells of a time of Economic Troubles at the end here in these last days.  St. Matthew 24:5, 11, 21,  St. Mark 13:6,  St. Luke 21:8,25, 36,  II Timothy 3:1,  James 5:1-8.

The “Traditions of Men” have kept and are keeping many people from returning to God’s Principles and Commandments. There are no secular solutions or political panaceas to the core difficulties facing the land today. We are in a Spiritual War and You must put on the Whole Armour of God to protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil,  Ephesians 6:11-13,  16-18.

A Luciferian Influence is permeating all over the land deceiving many people with Demonic Babel. Demonic and Satanic Statements to deceive and inflame tensions. The Devil (Satan-Serpent-Dragon) has seed (offsprings) here on earth today just paving the way for his return as the antichrist. Satan’s offsprings are well documented in the Word of God; and they are here today carrying out his evil deeds. Just observe the tragic current events to see their evil deeds upon the land and people. These Rulers of the Darkness of this world now have support in many areas from these children of the Devil. This is written and well documented,  Genesis 3:15,  St. John 8:44,  II Corinthians 11:13-15,  Revelation 12:7-12.

The Solution is in The Scriptures!      St. John 14:6