Saturday, January 11, 2020

Daniel Had a Vision of The End Times
Daniel Foresaw a Western Goat (Ruler) in The Latter Days

Daniel was given Visions and foresaw All the World Governments that were to exist from his day through the End Times of these Latter Days (Now). Daniel was by the river U-lai, and saw in a Vision, a Ram (Persia-Iran) which had two horns: and the Ram was pushing westward, and northward, and southward. And a he Goat (Ruler) came from the west on the face of the whole earth, “and touched not the ground”: and the Goat had a notable horn between his eyes (Daniel 8:1-5).

The Goat (Ruler) came to the Ram (Persia-Iran) and ran into him in the fury of his power, and the Goat was moved with Choler and smote the Ram and cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him (Daniel 8:6-7). Therefore the he Goat waxed (increased) very great: and when he was strong, the great horn (power) was broken; and for it came up four notable ones (Nations) toward the four winds of Heaven (Daniel 8:8). And out of one of them came forth a little horn (antichrist) and it cast down some of the host and of the Stars (God’s children) to the ground, and stamped upon them.

Daniel foresaw the fall of Babylon by Medo-Persia; and the fall of Medo-Persia by Alexander the great of Greece. And the Vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: . . .

This Vision (Prophecy) also clearly refers to a Latter Day Event (today-now) and describes an attack by a Western Ruler attacking Persia (Iran) by Air. The Vision showed the Goat (Ruler) attacking, “and touching not the ground”. This Vision was millenniums ago before airplanes, missiles, etc. so why did Daniel see the he Goat (Ruler) attacking Persia (Iran) “and touching not the ground”. God showed Daniel the Vision and God knew that Man would have airplanes, missiles, etc. here in these Latter Days (today-now).

This Vision (Prophecy) clearly foretells of current events here in these Latter Days in this “fig tree generation”. It fits the events confronting the situation unfolding today right before us. Persia changed its name to Iran in 1935, and this Vision also applies to these Latter Days, as it clearly states that “for at the time of the end Shall be the Vision” (Daniel 8:16-21).  The Ram is Persia (Iran).

Daniel goes on to describe the subsequent events and actions of the little horn (antichrist) . . . and the calamities the little horn brings in during the latter days here in this “fig tree generation”. Daniel tells us why the “Curses of Moses” would befall on this “fig tree generation” in these latter days (Daniel 9:11-14,  Deuteronomy 28:15-65).

The vision was “shut up” (not understood) until the end times; “for at the time of the end Shall be the Vision”. The Vision can now be understood here in these latter days in this “fig tree generation” (Daniel 12:9-10). This generation “Shall Not Pass until All Prophecy is fulfilled!

The Signs of the End Chapters also tell us what will happen here in these Latter Days (St. Matthew Chapter 24,   St. Mark Chapter 13,                St. Luke Chapter 21).
          The Solution is in The Scriptures, AMEN!