Sunday, August 23, 2020


Perilous Times in The Latter Days!
Return to God’s Principles and Commandments!

As We Get Deeper and Deeper into These Perilous Times Here in These Latter Days of this “fig tree generation” Many People are Getting Stressed Out by The Events of the Day. There are Troubles, Sorrows (pain, grief) all over and Iniquity abounds all over The Land. The Devil’s Disciples are here today roaming all over deceiving many people, and causing them untold stress and pain.

Some People May Believe That They Have a Panacea Just Because They Have a Voice and Platform to Be Heard in The Public Square; BUT, There is Only One True Voice (The Holy Word of God) The Only Platform on Solid Ground, and a Perfect Panacea!

Jesus Prophesied of the End Times (latter days) and Gave Us The “Signs of The End” Chapters in God’s Holy Bible. The Land Will Not Be Healed Until We Come Back to Adhering to God’s Principles and Commandments that He Gave Us Millenniums Ago. Jesus Told Us That in These “End Times” (latter days) that There Would Be Troubles, Pestilences (widespread disease) Sorrows (pain, grief) among a list of Events Named in The “Signs of The End” Chapters (St. Matthew Chapter 24, St. Mark Chapter 13, St. Luke Chapter 21).

A Change Will Come! – The Choice is Yours! – This Generation (fig tree generation) Shall Not Pass Until ALL Latter Day Prophecy is Fulfilled Exactly as Written in God’s Holy Word!

We Are in A Spiritual War! – A Luciferian Influence Has Permeated The Land. You Must Put on The Whole Armour of God to Protect Yourself From The Wiles of The Devil. The Devil and His Evil spirits can Hibernate in Drugs and Alcohol to Deceive and Mislead You into Believing That You Can Drink and Smoke Your Problems Away.
But, Drunkards, Sorcerers (dope-heads) Liars, Murders, Thieves, etc. Will Not Enter Into The Kingdom of God. Don’t Be Misled By The Wiles of The Devil.  Ephesians 6:11-13,   I Corinthians 6:9-10,
Revelation 21:8.

A Change Will Come! - The Choice is Yours! – The Land Can Be healed!  There is A Way Out – Return to God’s Principles and Commandments!   II Chronicles 7:14,  St. John 14:6.