Wednesday, July 6, 2022


There is a Way Out!

People are moving in many different directions trying to avoid or escape from the troubles and devastating events in the land today. We are marching and protesting for elected leaders to take actions to control and alleviate the pressing problems of today. We expect pragmatic change to occur as we keep re-electing the same leaders-politicians who stood dilly by while this foolishness occurred over the years on their watch.

We cannot keep on moving farther and farther away from God’s Law and expect positive results. Everyone cannot keep relying on and following their own moral code and not following God’s Law and expecting positive change to occur. These are the “days of vengeance” that ALL Things which are written may be fulfilled; pursuant to the “Signs of the End Chapters” as stated by Jesus!

The Laws that kept us safe for generations were given to us by God; the “Magna Carta”, “English Common Law”, to our Constitution, and our Laws can be traced to the Bible itself. A few places in the Bible would be Exodus Chapters 20, 21 and other chapters. The Nation will always be subject to The Laws of God! To keep proceeding in the wrong direction will lead to many more sorrows, and is like walking off the deep end of the cliff into a bottomless pit.

The “troubles and tribulations” will come just as prophesied, and we must all make a choice and choose a blessing or a curse; the choice is yours  (Deuteronomy 11:26-28,  Isaiah 1:18-20,  Psalm 9:17).  
Return to God’s  Commandments-Laws and Principles.                                  

There is Only One Way Out, AMEN!   St. John 14:6