Saturday, June 1, 2024


Continuing Quandaries Fogging Up The Vision

There are many man made quandaries here in these “latter days” fogging up the vision and direction that will lead to better days. Many of the ills all over the land were created to mislead many to continue in the wrong direction. A continuing dark cloud on a sunny day fogging up the view, and giving some people brain fog. Many are false prophets that we were warned about millenniums  ago in “The Signs of The End” Prophesies. They enjoy their deception and delight in deceiving people, and have no vision that will help people to a better day. We cannot get to a better day by leaving the past behind. A painful past with no commitment to “restore the pledge” cannot be taken up the path to paradise. 

We are God’s Creation and must return to God’s Principles and Commandments to move on up the path to paradise. Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God (I Corinthians 15:50-52).  We have 2 Bodies (1 spiritual body and 1 natural –flesh body). There are bodies Celestial (spiritual) and bodies terrestrial (natural-flesh)  I Corinthians 15:35-57. When man dies the flesh (natural) body goes back to dust and the spiritual body goes back to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7).  All souls return to God in Paradise; but on different sides of the great fixed gulf. (St. Luke 16:26,  Ezekiel 18:4,  St. Matthew 10:28)

This corruption (flesh-terrestrial) must put on incorruption; and this mortal (soul) must put on immortality to move on up to Paradise with God. God’s great millennium is for us to be obedient to God’s Word of Truth (Revelation 20:4-7). Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God: We shall not all sleep, but we shall ALL be changed
  (I Corinthians 15:50-52).

“Latter Day Events” – There are many distractions here in these “latter days” here in this “fig tree generation”; wrong is being substituted for right, evil for good, and the wicked roaming all over with foolishness pedaled for truth. Evil cannot be rehabilitated and must be destroyed. There is no light in the long dark tunnel headed in the wrong direction. Satan (Serpent, Devil, Dragon) is roaming the earth with men causing chaos , confusion and death.

You must put on the whole armour of God to protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil (Dragon, Serpent, Satan). We are in a spiritual war (Ephesians 6:11-13).  The world is full of darkness and you need God to keep you from the “Hour of Temptation” that shall come upon ALL the world to try them that dwell upon the earth (Revelation 3:10).  There is A Way Out!  St. John 14:6