Sunday, September 8, 2024


The Day of Darkness

Many Souls are diligently looking for a little light at the end of a long, long dark tunnel; but seeing absolutely no glimmer of light or hope. And there are those who keep marching into that long, long dark tunnel looking for hope that escapes them as they keep following the wrong leaders. The “Day of Darkness” is upon all who seek the wrong solution following false leaders-deceivers.

WE were told millenniums ago that there would be no brightness (light) IN “The Day of Darkness”; therefore we should seek a light from a higher source that promised us life if we were obedient to his Holy Word of Truth!  Joel 2:2,  Deuteronomy 28:13,  Isaiah 1:18-20.

“The Hour of Temptation” Shall come upon All the world to try them that dwell upon the earth (you). Only the Truth can make you free! We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against “Spiritual Wickedness in High Places” and against the rulers of the Darkness of this world. You must put on the whole armour of God to protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil (Ephesians 6:11-13,  Revelation 3:10)

WE are in a spiritual war and must return to God’s Principles and Commandments. We were given the “Signs of The End” Chapters and told what would occur here in these “Latter Days” among this “fig tree generation”. These are the “Days of Vengeance” that All things which are written may be fulfilled. Choose Life, Not Death!  (Deuteronomy 30:19,  St. Matthew 24:25,  St. Mark 13:13:19,  St. Luke 21:22).    

A Strong – Evil Luciferian Influence is permeating all over the land and having a deadly and detrimental impact upon so many people. The Vile One (Serpent-Satan-Dragon-Devil) knows that he has but a short time left to do his wiles and evil deeds here; and is roaming around to deceive and mislead as many as possible, as he only brings death and destruction. You must protect yourself from the wiles and sinister deeds of the Vile One (Serpent-Satan-Dragon-Devil). We are in a spiritual war! Avoid the painful pain and sorrow the Vile One  is permeating all over the land. Don’t keep dancing with the Dragon in the Devil’s Den. Don’t they know that the Vile One goes by many names and is the Old Serpent that was in the Garden; he is the one and only (Serpent-Satan-Dragon-Devil) – (Revelation 12:9,  20:2,  Genesis 3:15).     There is Only One Way Out! - 
St. John 14:6