Monday, December 15, 2014

Immigration, Undocumented Workers - A Civil Rights Issue

Any Nation that uses and exploits large numbers of Undocumented Workers (non citizens) to build and maintain large segments of their economy will eventually face a Civil Rights Issue similar to Slavery and Emancipation Proclamation.  The Slaves and their children were not citizens, but they were worked and exploited to substantially build and maintain large segments of the Nation’s Economy. When the Slaves were freed they had no rights, benefits, or citizenship, and were not compensated for building and maintaining large segments of the Nation’s Economy. They were productive workers, and the Sea Island Slaves produced such great rice that it was called Waccamaw Gold, and some of it was exported to Europe.

Undocumented Workers who have worked here for very low wages for many years giving the Nation a bountiful harvest and other cheap services must eventually be given the full Benefits and Rights of their labor. It may now be politically correct to camouflage the truth, but man cannot forever abridge certain God Given Rights. It took an Emancipation Proclamation for the Slaves to get certain basic rights.  Every man has a God Given Right to receive the full benefits of their labor, and every man shall be rewarded according to his labor-work (I Corinthians 3:6-8,  Psalm 62:12,  Revelation 20:12,  22:12).

The Nation accepted the benefits of the Slave labor, and today the Nation gladly accepts the benefits of the labor of the Immigrants, Undocumented Workers (non citizens). The Undocumented Workers are critical to harvesting and packaging most of the Nation’s fruits, vegetables, produce, etc. that we consume every day. They receive no pension, paid holidays, job security, or year round work. Farmers want and need a large stable workforce in the agriculture industry, and some employers abuse the captive workforce of  Undocumented  Workers with impunity. These workers are very skilled in the farming industry. During slavery there was also a very large captive workforce that was forced to work the land from sunup to sundown.

The situation today regarding the Immigrants, Undocumented Workers is akin to Modern Day Slavery, and also leads to Economic Segregation. They cook our meals, make our beds in homes, hotels, motels, etc. and serve us in various eating establishments, pave our roads, and many other services, etc. in building and sustaining various segments of the Nation’s Economy.  The Nation continues to accept the benefits of the labor of these Undocumented Workers, and the employers are allowed to continue to exploit this large captive workforce. Employers say they can’t get a sufficient number of citizens to do the work for such low wages. Able bodied citizens would rather collect unemployment than work the fields for such low wages. The Undocumented Workers continue to toil providing us good food to eat each day, along with other services, etc.

The Immigrants, Undocumented Workers are not taking jobs from citizens, as many citizens refuse to work for such low wages. The Undocumented Workers did not cause the Economic Downturn or Recession harming workers that are citizens. The Middle Class was and still is in a Continuing Decimation created by the Wall Street Debacle; Sub-Prime Loans, Overvalued Mortgages-Asset Backed Securities, Derivatives, Overloaded Public Assistance Programs, Political Pork Barrels, and Dysfunctional Gridlock, etc. Without these Workers the Nation’s Economy would surely suffer an Economic collapse in certain segments.

We must deal justly with this part of our history. No Nation or People can march into a better New Day and leave their history behind. They will wander in the wilderness until a New Generation emerges proceeding in a more Righteous Direction. The Kenites-Sons of Cain, will always try to impede the progress of people proceeding in a Righteous Direction. Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14:34).

It may be time to consider another Emancipation Proclamation to give our Undocumented Workers their Basic Human Rights.  A Higher Power is in Charge!  No Nation can continue to drift away from God’s Principles upon which the Nation was founded and continue to receive the Blessings of God. There is a Way Out!  Deuteronomy 28:13,  II Chronicles 7:14,  St. John  3:16, 10:9, 14:6.          

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