Monday, January 23, 2017

From Bible Belt Neighborhoods
to Latter Day Chaos and Confusion

As we continue through these perilous times here in these latter days many people are becoming even more stressed out over various events which they have no control over. Some are yearning for the good old days and wondering what happened to their good old neighborhoods from decades ago. Their parents and grandparents achieved economic independence and self sufficiency through hard work and dedication, with much less opportunities in an industrial economy.

Grandmother’s house is there in the same place in the old neighborhood, BUT, the neighborhood is not the same anymore; it was a Bible Belt Neighborhood and is now a Drug Infested Neighborhood amid Chaos and Confusion all over the land. Many people stood idly by while God was taken out of the schools and other institutions, and not challenged by others who just wanted to be politically correct. Demons are hibernating in drugs and alcohol, and are wiles of the Devil himself seeking to lead astray and destroy as many as possible. We are marching towards the crossroads of chaos and confusion, not realizing that the Corpocracy is now in charge calling all the shots in this Technological Global Economy where you need a good Economic Skill to compete effectively.

A Return to God’s Principles and Commandments is the only solution to the core difficulties facing the land today. No people can become or remain great without God’s Great Blessings and Providence (Deuteronomy 8:1-11,  28:1-13). In times past it took a village to raise a child, but today it takes a drug free neighborhood to raise a child, and drug free neighborhoods are difficult to find in many areas in many cities. When God is taken out of our schools, the Devil (that Old Serpent) steps in with his wiles, and continuing sorrows on souls in distress. Any nation that forgets God shall perish (Deuteronomy 8:19-20).

We are in a Spiritual War in which man cannot protect himself from the wiles of the Devil (Ephesians 6:11-13).  Evil will wax (increase) more and more here in these latter days as so eloquently stated in II Timothy 3:1, 13. The Hour of Temptation shall come upon ALL The World to try them that dwell upon the earth
(Revelation 3:10).
The Land Can Be Healed, BUT, Only IF We Return to God’s Principles and Commandments!  (II Chronicles 7:14,  St. John 14:6).

   Apply Scriptural Solutions!  -  The Solution is in The Scriptures!

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