Thursday, November 14, 2019

Where are Manasseh and Ephraim Today
(The USA in Bible Prophecy)

Jacob had twelve sons (12 Tribes) and Jacob told the 12 Tribes what SHALL Befall them in the Last Days (Genesis 48:19-20,  49:1, 8, 22-26).  Joseph is one of the 12 Tribes and a son of Jacob  Genesis 48:1-2,  49:22-26.  Joseph had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim (Genesis 48:1-5).

Joseph took his two sons (Manasseh and Ephraim) to his father Jacob so that his father could bless Manasseh and Ephraim. Jacob blessed Manasseh and Ephraim and told them what they would be in the latter days (Genesis 48:16, 19-20).

Jacob blessed Manasseh and Ephraim and stated that Ephraim would be greater than Manasseh, and that Ephraim’s seed would become a Multitude of Nations. Jacob stated that Manasseh would also be great; but truly his younger brother Ephraim Shall be greater than he (Genesis 48:17-20).

This Prophecy Only fits two nations in the history of the world, Manasseh is the USA, and Ephraim is Britain-British Commonwealth. The fate of Manasseh-USA and Ephraim-Britain is foretold in Hosea 5:5-7.  The role of Great Christian Nations in the Latter Days.

The USA (Manasseh) is a part of the house of Israel, as Manasseh is one of the Tribes of Israel. Israel was divided into two kingdoms; the house of Judah (2 Tribes) and the house of Israel (10 Tribes). The 10 Tribes eventually settled Europe and some later came to the Americas. We were told millenniums ago that this “fig tree generation” would not pass until All Prophecy is fulfilled here in these latter days.

Return to God’s Principles and Commandments!   St. John 14:6.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Message of Truth – Troublous Times
Troublous Times in The Latter Days

We were told millenniums ago what would occur here in this “fig tree generation” in these Latter Days. It was prophesied that Perilous times would come in the last days. This “fig tree generation” SHALL Not Pass until ALL Prophesy is fulfilled exactly as written; whether or not you believe or understand it. We were told to “Study and Rightly Divide the Word of Truth”. We need not keep marching off the deep end of the cliff, succumbing to Babel all around.

Daniel had a vision and saw a time of great trouble here in the latter days; where the curses of Moses would be upon the people for going astray. Moses also warned the children of the evil that would befall them in the latter days for going astray; the Song of Moses also foretell of Great Trouble. Ezekiel also saw a “time of the end” here in these last days.  Daniel 9:11-14,  12:1-2, 10,  Deuteronomy 28:15-65,  31:29-30,  32:1-47,  Ezekiel 7:1-7, 15-27.  A Vision for Now-Daniel Chapter 8.

The “Signs of the End” Chapters, St. Matthew Chapter 24, St. Mark Chapter 13, St. Luke Chapter 21 also tells us what would occur here in this “fig tree generation” here in these last days. Timothy also tells of Perilous Times in the last days. James tells of a time of Economic Troubles at the end here in these last days.  St. Matthew 24:5, 11, 21,  St. Mark 13:6,  St. Luke 21:8,25, 36,  II Timothy 3:1,  James 5:1-8.

The “Traditions of Men” have kept and are keeping many people from returning to God’s Principles and Commandments. There are no secular solutions or political panaceas to the core difficulties facing the land today. We are in a Spiritual War and You must put on the Whole Armour of God to protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil,  Ephesians 6:11-13,  16-18.

A Luciferian Influence is permeating all over the land deceiving many people with Demonic Babel. Demonic and Satanic Statements to deceive and inflame tensions. The Devil (Satan-Serpent-Dragon) has seed (offsprings) here on earth today just paving the way for his return as the antichrist. Satan’s offsprings are well documented in the Word of God; and they are here today carrying out his evil deeds. Just observe the tragic current events to see their evil deeds upon the land and people. These Rulers of the Darkness of this world now have support in many areas from these children of the Devil. This is written and well documented,  Genesis 3:15,  St. John 8:44,  II Corinthians 11:13-15,  Revelation 12:7-12.

The Solution is in The Scriptures!      St. John 14:6

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Plans Need A Method Of Implementation
This Land Is God’s Land – God’s Great Creation

Many People are coming up with all kinds of plans they claim will solve the major problems facing the land today. But, even the best of plans will fail without a Solid Method of Implementation for such plans. Plans alone are insufficient and need a Solid Foundation to stand on to be implemented successfully. This is Imperative here in the midst of all the Chaos and Babel all over the land. Without a Solid Method of Implementation there will be no establishing of an Economic Base and no Economic Agenda, and not Sufficient Economic Skills to move forward.

We were told millenniums ago that there would be Perilous Times in this “fig tree generation” here in these latter days. It is Imperative that we stand on a Solid Foundation; a very Critical Precondition to Success (I Corinthians 3:11).  We are the branches and must stay connected to the True Vine in order to bear good fruits (St. John 15:1-7).

Man did not create this earth or the country he resides in; God created the earth and all therein. Man may have temporary possession of part of God’s earth, but man will not reside on this earth in the flesh forever. All Souls belong to God, and will return to God upon the death of the flesh (Ezekiel 18:4,  Ecclesiastes 12:7).  We Shall All Return From Whence We Came. God’s Great Creation Earth is well documented in His Holy Words  (Genesis 1:31,  Isaiah 45:12, 18-24,   Colossians 1:16).

There are many Deceivers (false Christs) here deceiving many people in these latter days as foretold by Jesus. These Deceivers are Satan’s Servants just paving the way for the return of the Anti Christ (Serpent-Satan-Dragon-Devil) II Corinthians 11:13-15,   Revelation 20:2.

The Hour of Temptation is the time that the Anti Christ will be here on earth deceiving many people. He has seed (off-springs) here on this earth today. The Hour of Temptation Shall Come Upon All The World to Try Them That Dwell Upon The Earth  (Revelation 3:10,  12:7-12). Return to God’s Principles and Commandments. The Rulers of The Darkness of This World Shall Not Rule Forever. We Are in A Spiritual War  (Ephesians 6:11-13).

There is A Way Out!  St. John 14:6

Thursday, September 5, 2019

We Shall All Return From Whence We Came

The Earth is God’s Great Creation, Not Man’s, and We Shall All Return to God The Creator after The Death of The Flesh, as All Souls Belong to God (Ezekiel 18:4,  Ecclesiastes 12:7).
The Good Shall Be Separated From The Evil. The Sheep Shall Be Separated From The Goats (St. Matthew 25:31-34).
The Righteous-Good is Separated From The Evil St. Luke 16:26).
We Are The Sheep of His Pasture (Psalm 100:3).

There is a Second Death-Death of The Soul (Revelation 20:14-15).
Man Can Kill The Body, But Not The Soul (St. Matthew 10:28).
We Have Two Bodies, Spiritual-Celestial and Flesh-Terrestrial
   (I Corinthians 15:37-44,  50-54).
All Souls Belong to God (Ezekiel 18:4).
There is Only One True Most High Living God (Jeremiah 10:10-15,
   Isaiah 45:5-7, 12, 18-24).

Fear (Reverence-Trust) God and Keep His Commandments: For This is The Whole Duty of Man (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
The Earth is God’s Great Creation, Not Man’s (Genesis 1:31,
   Colossians 1:16).
 We Shall All Return From Whence We Came.
There is No New Thing Under The Sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9).
Come Now!  (Isaiah 1:18-20).
There is a Way Out!  (St. John 14:6).

Thank You Heavenly Father For Mom and Dad

Thank You Heavenly Father for Your Perfect Precious Gift of Our Mom and Dad. You Gave Us Exactly What We Needed to Raise Us and Guide Us in the Direction We Should Go. We Know That You Chose Them and Prepared Them Especially for Us.

Mom and Dad Were Heavenly Role Models Here on Your Great Creation Earth. They Sacrificed for Us and Made Sure We Had What We Needed to Succeed and Continue in Your Righteous Direction. We are Eternally Grateful to You for Allowing Them to Be Our Keepers Here on Your Great Earth.

Many of Them Have Now Returned to You, and are In Your Precious Rest, on The Righteous Side of The Great Fixed Gulf, (St. Luke 16:26).  We Know That We Shall All Be Together Again in Your Great Millennial Reign, Receiving Your Many Blessings and Word of Truth.

And Until That Great Day, Heavenly Father Keep Us Within Your Precious Grace, This We Ask in Jesus Name, AMEN! 

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Choice is Yours
Blessings or Curses

There is a Constant Babel all over the land as we get deeper and deeper into these latter days here in this “fig tree generation”. Bedlam abounds all over with many people getting more and more abused, misled and deceived each day. The Luciferian Influence is strong and all over the land. All over the land an Evil, Evil spirit is deceiving many people. The Vile One (Satan-Serpent-Dragon-Devil) has Evil Deceivers here on earth today carrying out his Evil Deeds (II Corinthians 11:13-15).

Babel and Bedlam all over with many misled, abused and deceived, with innocent children in cages. It’s a lot easier to Just Do The Right Thing – The Righteous Thing! You can only Reap What You Sow; If You want a good harvest You must Plow, Plant, Sow, before You Reap exactly what You Sowed (Galatians 6:7,  Proverbs 20:4).

Everyone will not receive a Blessing, as Blessings are for Obedience, and Curses are for Disobedience. Your Righteous Actions will get you good Blessings, so Just Do The Right Thing! (Deuteronomy 11:26-28,  28:13, 15). Foolish Actions will get you curses; don’t be stupid, foolish and forever on the bottom.

We Shall All give an Account of Ourselves to the One True Most High Living God (Romans 14:11-12). We have been foretold All Things; and we know that in these latter days there Shall be distress of Nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring (St. Mark 13:23,  St. Luke 21:25).  We must listen and Act and Return to God’s Principles and Commandments.

There is a Way Out!   St. John 14:6

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Please Help The Children!
Children are Dying and Mothers are Crying

In The Midst of All The Luciferian Influence that Abounds All Over The Land, People of Righteous Conviction Must Stand Up For Truth! There is Tremendous Chaos and Confusion with Bedlam By The Deceivers Deliberately Deceiving Many People. We Must Know The Truth, Practice Truth and Teach Truth! It’s a Lot Easier to Just Do The Right Thing – The Righteous Thing! You Shall Surely Reap What You Sow!  Act Now!  (Galatians 6:7).

The Devil (Satan-Serpent-Dragon) Vile One has some Evil, Evil Deceivers here on earth today deceiving many people (II Corinthians 11:13-15,   St. John 8:44). The rulers of the darkness of this world are spewing their Satanic Evil every day. The Luciferian Influence abounds all over, and the wiles of the Devil is seeking to destroy many. We are in a spiritual war (Ephesians 6:11-13).

The Path Up to Progress is Very Difficult When You’re Carrying Children in Cages. The Nations and Good People of The Land Must Act Now to Help The Children Who are Truly Innocent and Deserve Decent Treatment and Good Care. No Nation or People Can Continue to Be Prosperous Unless They Proceed in a Righteous Direction. Man did not create this earth; this earth is God’s great creation. We Shall All Return From Whence We Came, as All Souls Belong to God! (Ezekiel 18:4,  Ecclesiastes 12:7).

Can The Nations and Good People Unite to Help The Children in Cages? What is The Higher Purpose of The Nations and People if They Cannot Act to Rescue The Children in Cages. If They Would Each Take a Few, We Could See How The Nations and People are Fulfilling a Higher Purpose and Calling. If The Nations are Truly United, Fear Cannot Deter Them When They are Answering a Higher Calling.

To Do Otherwise is to Perish for Not Adhering to God’s Principles and Commandments!  Deuteronomy 8:19-20,  Psalm 9:17.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

It’s Midnight at High Noon in The Big House

It’s Approaching Midnight at High Noon Under a Bright Sunlit Sky, But, A Dark Day for Many, as the Deceivers are roaming all over the land deceiving many. The Stupor of Slumber is Upon the Waters (People).  (Romans 11:7-8,  Revelation 17:15).

A Luciferian Influence Abounds all over the land, with constant bedlam. The Situation is like a Deep Swamp full of Demonic Monsters. If You drain the swamp the monsters will still be there waiting to eat You up in a swift and surprise attack. You cannot destroy the Demonic Monsters  and should rely on Someone who can destroy them; The One True Most High Living God (Jeremiah 10:10-15,  St. John 10:9,  14:6).

We were told millenniums ago and given the Signs of The End of this Earth Age. That this generation (fig tree) SHALL not pass until ALL Prophecy is fulfilled. The Fate of the Tribes in the Last Days were foretold Millenniums ago; They were told what Shall Befall them in the Last Days. We are here in this Fig Tree Generation in these Latter Days. These Prophecies SHALL come to pass exactly as Prophesied
(St. Matthew 24:1-51,  St. Mark 13:1-37,  St. Luke 21:1-38,
Genesis 49:8-12,  22-26,  Hosea 5:5-7).
The Word Shall not pass away! Return to God’s Principles and Commandments! The Land Needs a Healing, and will not be healed until we do what we were commanded to do; The Choice is Ours, Act Now! (II Chronicles 7:14).

Many are roaming to and fro seeking solutions and finding none, as there are no Political Panaceas or Secular Solutions to the core difficulties facing the land today. There is a Way Out! (St. John 14:6).*

Monday, June 3, 2019

Tweets For The Moment

Laws MUST Be Righteous and Apply to The Stranger Within Thy Borders, and Not Oppress The Poor.
 Jeremiah 22:3,  Leviticus 24:22,  Proverbs 14:31,  St. Matthew 25:40,  Romans 14:11-12.

Evil and Demonic Policies are an Abomination. We are in a spiritual war . . .   The Rulers of the Darkness of this world are attacking, and a Luciferian Influence abounds all over the land.  There is spiritual wickedness in high places.
 Ephesians 6:11-13.
The Devil (Satan-Serpent-Dragon) has off-springs here on earth today. A Third of the people followed the Devil in the first earth age, and they are here on earth today; the Devil and his fallen angels shall be cast down to earth.
Genesis 3:13-15,  St. John 8:44,   I John 3:12,   Revelation 12:3-4, 9-12,  20:2.

The Devil (Satan-Serpent-Dragon) has false apostles, and ministers here on earth today, disguised and deceiving many people.
II Corinthians 11:13-15,   St. Matthew 24:5,   St. Mark 13:6,   St. Luke 21:8.

Evil WILL Befall you in the Latter Days, and ANY Nation that forgets God SHALL Perish.  Return to God’s  Commandments and Principles.
Deuteronomy 31:29,  32:1-44,  8:19-20,  28:15-65.
Daniel  9:11-14,   Psalm 9:17.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

We Are In A Spiritual War

It Was Prophesied Millenniums ago that God’s People Would be in a Spiritual War here in these Latter Days. We Are Currently in a Spiritual War; Where We Wrestle not against Flesh and Blood, but against spiritual wickedness in high places, and against the rulers of the darkness of this world. You Must Put on The Whole Armour of God to Protect Yourself from the wiles of the Devil (Ephesians 6:11-13).

A Luciferian Influence has permeated all the world, and man cannot defeat such Evil Influences and deeds by using his carnal defenses. Man Must Return to God’s Principles and Commandments! Jesus will keep us safe, and has given us power over Satan if we Abide in Jesus. We can have Blessings and not Curses; God’s Sacred Holy Word Shall Not Pass Away. There is A Way Out!  (St. John 14:6).

Our sojourn here is not just happenstance (Ephesians 1:4,  Titus 1:2). We must know The Truth, Practice Truth, Teach The Truth! The Truth will make you free. A Teacher of Truth must teach the whole Truth unaltered by the traditions of men. The message must be Biblical! A Message for The Moment! It must be written in the Word of God, The Holy Scriptures, otherwise many will continue to be misled by false prophets. A Teacher of Truth teaches Truth, precept upon precept, line upon line, not his opinions or the traditions of men; only teaching that which is Biblical! There is a Way Out, Follow Jesus!* 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Don’t Fall By The Wayside
There is a Way Out

There are continuing troublesome events and chaos all over the land here in these latter days. Many people have become victims of their own propaganda by their false belief in a supremacy or superiority complex. They are marching off the deep end of the cliff, and are not prepared to see the truth staring them squarely in the eye. They will not be prepared for the perilous days to come here in this fig tree generation in these latter days. These latter days and perilous times were prophesied of millenniums ago. Many people are brain dead to the truth of the Word of God, and will not read and study God’s Word. It is only the truth that can make you free.

Return to God’s Principles and Commandments . . .
No people or nation can become or remain prosperous and great without God’s  Blessings and Providence. God will never leave or abandon his children, but, the children Must remain obedient to God’s Word, or suffer the consequences of their misguided decisions. The Traditions of Men are misleading many, and there are no political panaceas or secular solutions to the core difficulties of the day. The majority of the people must be proceeding in a righteous direction to receive God’s Blessings of prosperity and greatness for the society as a whole. A Divine Healing is needed, But, you cannot put kids in cages and not suffer God’s wrath. The land needs a healing
(II Chronicles 7:14).

Any People or Nation that forgets God Shall Perish, man cannot save himself. We were told to Study and Work, and adhere to God’s Principles and Commandments; and understand the whole Duty of Man (Ecclesiastes 12:13,  Deuteronomy 8:18-20, 28:13,  Psalm 9:17,  Isaiah 1:18-20,  II Timothy 2:15,  St. John 14:6).
A Luciferian Influence has permeated the land all over, and leading many astray. The Vile One (Serpent-Satan-Dragon-Devil) shall soon come to mislead many. The Hour of Temptation shall come upon all the earth to try them that dwell upon the earth. You must put on the whole armour of God to protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil. We are in a Spiritual War – Ephesians 6:11-13, 
II Thessalonians 2:2-4,  Revelation 3:10.

People are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6,  Isaiah 3:4, 12).
The choice is yours; don’t keep marching to the deep end of the cliff or fall by the wayside by following foolish people or false beliefs.

There is a Way Out – Come Now!   St. John 8:32, 10:9, 14:6

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

                                    Books By Thomas J. Pyatt

Great Ballplayers Before Jackie                           
Overcoming Along The Carolina Lowcountry    
There is Only One Way, AMEN!                         
Gullah History Along The Carolina Lowcountry 
The Gullah People of Sandy Island                       
A Riverfront Town By The Waccamaw River      
                Also Available at:
Six Unique Books By Thomas J. Pyatt