Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Don’t Fall By The Wayside
There is a Way Out

There are continuing troublesome events and chaos all over the land here in these latter days. Many people have become victims of their own propaganda by their false belief in a supremacy or superiority complex. They are marching off the deep end of the cliff, and are not prepared to see the truth staring them squarely in the eye. They will not be prepared for the perilous days to come here in this fig tree generation in these latter days. These latter days and perilous times were prophesied of millenniums ago. Many people are brain dead to the truth of the Word of God, and will not read and study God’s Word. It is only the truth that can make you free.

Return to God’s Principles and Commandments . . .
No people or nation can become or remain prosperous and great without God’s  Blessings and Providence. God will never leave or abandon his children, but, the children Must remain obedient to God’s Word, or suffer the consequences of their misguided decisions. The Traditions of Men are misleading many, and there are no political panaceas or secular solutions to the core difficulties of the day. The majority of the people must be proceeding in a righteous direction to receive God’s Blessings of prosperity and greatness for the society as a whole. A Divine Healing is needed, But, you cannot put kids in cages and not suffer God’s wrath. The land needs a healing
(II Chronicles 7:14).

Any People or Nation that forgets God Shall Perish, man cannot save himself. We were told to Study and Work, and adhere to God’s Principles and Commandments; and understand the whole Duty of Man (Ecclesiastes 12:13,  Deuteronomy 8:18-20, 28:13,  Psalm 9:17,  Isaiah 1:18-20,  II Timothy 2:15,  St. John 14:6).
A Luciferian Influence has permeated the land all over, and leading many astray. The Vile One (Serpent-Satan-Dragon-Devil) shall soon come to mislead many. The Hour of Temptation shall come upon all the earth to try them that dwell upon the earth. You must put on the whole armour of God to protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil. We are in a Spiritual War – Ephesians 6:11-13, 
II Thessalonians 2:2-4,  Revelation 3:10.

People are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6,  Isaiah 3:4, 12).
The choice is yours; don’t keep marching to the deep end of the cliff or fall by the wayside by following foolish people or false beliefs.

There is a Way Out – Come Now!   St. John 8:32, 10:9, 14:6

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