Sunday, July 25, 2021

 Marching Down The Same Old Beaten Path

Marching Down The Same Old Beaten Path Will Not Get You To A Better Day With Profound Changes. There Is No New Thing Under The Sun, “The Thing That Hath Been, Is That Which Shall Be; And That Which Is Done Is That Which Shall Be Done: And There Is No New Thing Under The Sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).  These Perilous Times Here Now In These Latter Days Were Foretold Millenniums Ago, And All Prophecy Shall Come To Pass Before This Generation (fig tree generation) Passes.

Many People Are Searching For A Panacea To The Difficult Days We Are Experiencing All Over The Land. There Are No Political Panaceas Or Secular Solutions To The Tremendous Evil Blanketing The World. Trouble Abounds All Over The World, And Many People Are Succumbing To The Events.

The Day Of Trouble Was Prophesied To Come To This “Fig Tree Generation” Here In These Latter Days. The Children Of Disobedience Have Strayed Away From God’s Principles And Commandments. There Are Blessings For Obedience; But, There Are Curses For Disobedience.

The City Is Full Of Violence With Crimes Everywhere And Out Of Control In Many Areas; Terror Without And The Sword And Pestilence Within. The Land Needs A Healing, And We Were Told How The Land Can Be Healed In II Chronicles 7:14.

Prophecy Tells Us That Evil Shall Befall You In The Latter Days. The Song Of Moses Tells Us Why The Evil Is Among The People, And Gives Us The Curses of Moses (Deuteronomy 28:15-65,  31:29-30,  32:1-46,  Daniel 9:11-14).

The Signs Of The End Chapters (St. Matthew Ch. 24,  St. Mark Ch. 13,  St. Luke Ch. 21) Given To Us By Jesus Tells Us What Will Occur Before This Generation (fig tree generation) Passes. The Affliction Will Be Greater Since The Beginning Of Creation. Return To God’s Principles And Commandments!

The Land Can Be Healed!  There Is A Way Out!  II Chronicles 7:14,  St. John 14:6.  

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