Thursday, December 28, 2023


The Children of Disobedience –
A Long Day of Atonement

The “Children of Disobedience” are obsessed with the cares of the world and are walking in darkness with their eyes wide open in broad daylight under a blazing mid-day sun. They refuse to accept the truth right in front of them; and prefer to believe in fables, with their “itching ears”. There are many deceivers in their world who delight in deceiving them, they are deceivers teaching “fables”. The “Children of  Disobedience” are blinded by the gods of this world for refusing to accept the truth.

As we get deeper and deeper into these “latter days” more people will experience perilous times and suffer mental distress; such ills will continue until there is a return to “God’s Principles and Commandments”. There is only one true Savior for the problems of this world; the true Savior will heal the mental distress, and the distress of nations with perplexity.

We were foretold millenniums ago that “perilous times” would occur here in these “latter days” of this “fig tree generation”. We have seen the changes here today from the “good old days” of long ago. People have changed, the weather is giving us catastrophic events and displaced many lives. Evil roams all over the land today like never seen before; many have been blinded by self greed and are pushing their own agenda to the detriment of their faithful followers. Institutions that were doing well have experienced attempted takeovers to intentionally mislead the public and get their votes.

The “Luciferian Influence” is getting stronger and permeating all over the land; and those that know the truth must continue to rebuke the constant evil. The Devil (Dragon-Satan-Serpent) knows that he has but a short time to continue , and is rapidly spewing out his falsehoods, “fables for itching ears”. You must put on the “whole armour of God” to protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil. We are in a “spiritual war” and man cannot save you or protect himself from the “rulers of the darkness of this world”.  Revelation 12:9,  II Timothy 4:3-4,  Ephesians 6:11-13.

The Choice is Ours – Choose Life, not Death; Blessings not Curses – Be obedient to the Word of Truth! Deuteronomy 11:26-28,  30:19.  Return to God’s Principles and Commandments.  There is Only One Way, AMEN!  St. John 14:6

Thursday, September 7, 2023


“Itching Ears” Marching to The Wrong Drummer

As we approach these critical crossroads we know that “Strait is the Gate, and Narrow is the Way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it”. Many people love listening to and believing in “fables” with their “Itching Ears”. And there are many teachers (deceivers) leading them in the wrong direction off the deep end of the dark cliff. They refuse to listen to the Truth, and God will send them a “Strong Delusion” that they will believe the lies   “doctrines of devils”.   (I Timothy 4:1,   II Timothy 4:3-4, II Thessalonians 2:9-11).

The evil spirit is roaming all over the land, committing many crimes by using individuals with itching ears. There are those with demonic intentions committing such crimes not seen since the beginning; such as unthinkable mass shootings all over the land. There are those who say that such crimes are being committed by people with mental illness; but these heinous crimes are being committed by demonic souls here among us. We know that the Devil (Dragon-Serpent-Satan) will be cast down to earth with his fallen angels (demonic souls) – (Revelation 12:3-4, 9,  20:2).

The Devil has off-springs here on earth today  (Genesis 3:13-15,  St. John 8:44, 
II Corinthians 11:13-15).
You must put on the whole armour of God to protect yourself from the wiles of the Devil (Ephesians 6:11-13).  A demonic infestation is all over the land, and A Luciferian Influence has permeated deeply in too many forums with many people being deceived.

These are the days of vengeance “that all things which are written may be fulfilled”. We were told by Jesus what would happen here in these latter days when he gave us the “Signs of the End” chapters. We have had wildfires, pestilences, hurricanes, untold conflicts, etc. with more to come. The land can be healed, a change in direction is needed. There is “Distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring”.

We must all choose what direction we will march in and choose life or death, blessings or curses; the choice is ours  (Deuteronomy 30:19,  11:26-28).

There is A Way Out! -  St. John 14:6

Tuesday, August 8, 2023


“With Liberty and Justice for ALL”
“One Nation Under God”

Subject to God’s Laws and Commandments! – The majority of a people or nation must proceed in a righteous direction in order to continue to receive the “Blessings of God”. We were told this from the very beginning; and all the money you have and rely on has on it the phrase “In God We Trust”. We are One Nation Under God, with Liberty and Justice for ALL”; Subject to God’s Laws and Commandments!  And Any Nation or People that forgets God Shall Perish!
(Deuteronomy 8:19-20,  30:19,  Psalm 9:17).

The road may be rocky for many in these “latter days” as perilous times are abundant; and many people are experiencing an economic nightmare in a deep dive. Cities that are marching in the wrong direction will become “pillars of salt” and suffer the same fate as Sodom and Gomorrah. There are those who profess to know the way, but they have no panaceas for the immense problems of today. They may have political positions or fancy titles, but with no economic power, and leading many in the wrong direction marching off a cliff. It is indeed a sad situation when so many people have itching ears and will gladly follow those who teach fables  (I Timothy 4:1,  II Timothy 4:3-4).

Mothers are crying and children are dying from the out of control crime and violence all over the land, with mass shootings, drive by shootings, freeway shootings, robberies, etc.  A Falling Away – Turning away from God’s Laws and Commandments will lead to more death and destruction as prophesied. One Nation Under God will give us Liberty and Justice for ALL; when we become subject to “God’s Laws and Commandments”.

We have a choice, Blessings or Curses, Life or Death . . .  We are at The Critical Crossroads and it is incumbent upon you to choose Life and Blessings. Repent – Change Directions,  Believe – Trust God!  (Deuteronomy 11;26-28,  30;19)

There is A Way Out!  (II Chronicles 7:14,  I Timothy 2:5,  St. John 10:30,  14:6)

Monday, July 10, 2023


Approaching Those Critical Crossroads
There is Rest for Weary Souls

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”.
(St. Matthew 11:28-30). 

We shall all be rewarded according to our labour; and “every man must bear his own burden”. These are difficult days with many people struggling just to survive the economic obstacles of these perilous times. Many people see their economic situation in a deep dive into an endless nightmare. There is indeed no free ride and burdens are getting heavier and unbearable for many; but there is “Rest for Weary Souls” 
(Galatians 6:5-7).

We were told millenniums ago that there would be perilous times here in these latter days (fig tree generation). Jesus gave us the “Signs of the End”  that told us exactly what would occur here in this “fig tree generation” and it is occurring just as prophesied. “These are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled” 
(St. Luke 21:22).

We are approaching critical crossroads and all Souls must choose what direction they will proceed in; be it “Blessings or Curses”, “Life or Death”  (Deuteronomy 11:26-28,  28:13, 15,  30:19).  There is Only One Way which leads to Life and Blessings; Jesus told us the way, and that is the only way. God created male and female on the sixth day and gave them specific instructions on what to do and what not to do. We should all return to God’s Principles and Commandments.

Some will take the wrong road and end up falling for the wiles of the Devil and succumb to his destructive deeds. There will be no peace for the transgressors of God’s Laws, and those with abominable deeds; as their abominations shall be recompensed upon their heads  (Leviticus 18:22,  20:13,    Ezekiel 7:3-4,  I Corinthians 6:9-10).  The wiles of the Devil (Dragon-Satan-Serpent) will mislead many into thinking that they have a right to free benefits thereby keeping them lazy and lost  (Proverbs 20:4,  26:11,   
Revelation 21:8).

There is a Way Out!  St. John 14:6

Saturday, June 3, 2023


The Evil Spirit is Roaming – A Global Scorching of Men

A Luciferian Influence is permeating all over the world and the Evil Spirit is roaming all over the globe causing chaos and confusion. The 4th Seal is open and he has been given charge over a fourth part of the earth to utterly destroy with death, Revelation 6:7-8.  We know what happens when the 4th Trump sounds, and the 3rd part of the sun smitten; the 4th angel pours out the vial upon the sun and men scorched with fire, scorched with great heat, Revelation 8:12,  16:8-9.

It is not a warming; it is extreme heat, a global scorching of men. There are curses for disobeying God, such as extreme burning, drought, pestilence, etc. as we were foretold millenniums ago, Deuteronomy 28:21-22.  The Hour of  Temptation shall come to all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth, Revelation 3:10.  Woe to the inhibiters of the earth; The Vile One (antichrist) shall come,  Revelation 12:12,  II Thessalonians 2:1-4.

We Have a Choice!We can choose a Blessing or a Curse, Deuteronomy 11:28-30,  28:13-15,  30:19,  Isaiah 1:18-20.  Choose a Blessing, the fire is too hot and it’s not just a warming, it’s a global scorching of men for being disobedient to God’s Word of Truth. Some will be scorched with fire, scorched with great heat. Some may say it’s just a warming that man can solve by his laws, etc. It was man who created the horrible problems of today, and he has no panacea for his problems. Man often enacts laws for his purposes, and such laws may be a transgression of God’s Laws and Commandments.

Pause and Listen, listen to the liars leading many to the fires with their constant lies. They are being taught and led to be believers and perpetrators of more lies. Many will be caught up in the liar’s spirals and fall into the deep pit in the depth of the fire with the liars. Succumbing to the wiles of the Evil spirit that is roaming all over the world, leading many to a Global Scorching of men. We are all not doomed from the womb; we are not here just by happenstance!

The Vile-Evil One (Satan-Serpent-Devil-Dragon) is has seed here on earth today carrying out his demonic deeds and wiles,   (Genesis 3:13,  Ephesians 6:11-13,  St. John 8:44).  There is a Way Out!  Put on the New Man; Get renewed in the spirit of your mind!  There is Only One Way, AMEN!   St. John 14:6

Saturday, May 6, 2023


A New Direction

We have many young people having tremendous problems coping with the stresses and strains of everyday life; in spite of all the conveniences they enjoy that were not available to many of their parents and the prior generation. They have cell phones and various social media accounts with their peers and others online. But this doesn’t help them cope with some mental urges to commit suicide or harm themselves. They know something is missing in their lives, and they are not sure how to get what they need to fulfill their need; they did not experience the spiritual upbringing of the prior generation.

We began Marching in the Wrong Direction when a few in society decided to remove God from our schools. There was a time when we could recite the Pledge of Allegiance in our public schools. God did not abandon or forsake us; many people decided to go in another direction, following leaders with itching ears heaping upon themselves fables-lies. Marching in the Wrong Direction will lead to plagues, troubles and many sorrows (Deuteronomy 28:15-65).

We Must Get to The Truth and Choose Life not Death, and know The Way! There is rest for weary souls, harming yourself or others will not give you the peace or rest you need and deserve. Jesus said he is The Way, The Truth and The Life, and he can give you rest for your weary soul  (St. John 14:6,  St. Matthew 11:28-30).

No matter your transgressions of the past, God will forgive them upon your true repentance: he said “Come Now”  (Isaiah 1:18-20).  The land can be healed
(II Chronicles 7:14).  Jesus foretold us All Things millenniums ago. We know that in the “latter days” perilous times will come. Some will be teaching “doctrines of devils”, liars with itching ears heaping upon many people “fables” (lies) . . .
(I Timothy 4:1,  II Timothy 3:1,  4:3-4).

We Must Return to God’s  Commandments and Principles – Choose Life, not Death. There is A Way Out!  (Deuteronomy 30:19,  St. John 14:6).      

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


STOP– Listen to The Message Raining From Above
Return to God’s Principles and Commandments

We here in these “latter days” are experiencing weather patterns not seen since the beginning of creation. There is tremendous affliction not seen since the beginning; and there is distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring. Ways of life have been destroyed, with many people losing everything they own. There is a Message Raining (coming) down from above. Just Stop – and Listen; We were given a choice, we were told to “Choose Life, not death” and “Choose Blessings, not curses” – The Choice is ours! Deuteronomy 11:26-28,  30:19

The message from above is crystal clear; Return to God’s Principles and Commandments, or you will get the curses documented in God’s  Holy Word of Truth. Many people have survived tremendous weather destruction and are being given a chance to make a choice as to what direction they will take. Choose Life, not death; Blessings, not curses. A Higher Power is in charge, and any Nation (or people) that forget God shall perish. Man’s abominations will be recompensed upon his head for his transgressions.   Deuteronomy 8:19-20,  Psalm 9:17,  St. Luke 13:3, 5.

I remember the days of old when we recited the “Pledge of Allegiance” in class each morning; One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for All. The students back then didn’t suffer from mental distress, and schools were safe and protected by our faith and belief in God, and being taught his Principles and Commandments. The founding fathers sought and asked for God’s great Providence. We too should STOP and Listen to The Message Raining Down From Above!

To continue in the same direction with no change will lead to a continuing decline with afflictions untold. Any land with Sodom and Gomorrah cities will eventually suffer the same fate as Sodom and Gomorrah. We All will suffer the natural and probable consequences of our actions. We were given the “Signs of The End” by Jesus as he foretold us All Things. We are here in this “fig tree generation” in these “latter days” for a reason; we are not here just by happenstance.

The land can be healed, and we Only Need to Return to God’s Principles and Commandments!  There is Only One Way Out!   St. John 14:6,  II Timothy 2:5

Friday, January 13, 2023


Marching in The Wrong Direction

The Prophet Daniel looked and he saw the abomination, chaos and destruction in these “Latter Days” here in this “fig tree generation”. He saw the abominator sit where he ought not in the glorious-pleasant land claiming to be who he wasn’t and isn’t. Daniel told God’s children why evil would befall them in the “Latter Days” (last days of this earth age). Daniel told them why the curses would be upon them for disobedience; there are curses for disobedience to God’s Commandments and Statutes-Principles. 
(Daniel 9:11-14,   Deuteronomy 11:26-28, 28:15-65,  II Thessalonians 2:1-5).

Marching in The Wrong Direction will lead a people and Nation to proceed down a long dark road of no return. The people and Nation must proceed in the right-righteous direction to continue to prosper and receive the latter day rain. Man would like to think that he has the answers to the problems of today; man created the problems by his disobedience, and there are no political panaceas or secular solutions to the abominations of today. Man’s abominations will be recompensed upon his head if he continues Marching in The Wrong Direction. Any Nation (people) that forgets God SHALL PERISH  (Deuteronomy 8:19-20,  Psalm 9:17).

Jesus gave us “The Signs of The End” (of this earth age).

I Know Why There are many  saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
I Know Why There are wars and rumors of wars.
I Know Why Nation Shall Rise against Nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom:
I Know Why There are Famines, Pestilences, and Earthquakes in divers places.
I Know Why These are the Beginnings of Sorrows.
I Know Why there will be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning.
I Know Why  There Will be Affliction not since the beginning.
I Know Why These are the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
I Know Why Prophecy Will Come to Pass Just as Written? Because Jesus said so!
Whether you believe or not will not prevent Prophecy from coming to pass before this generation (“fig tree generation”) passes.

We Have a Choice, Choose Life not Death, Choose Blessings, not Curses
(Deuteronomy 11:26-28,  30:19).                St. John 14:6