Tuesday, August 8, 2023


“With Liberty and Justice for ALL”
“One Nation Under God”

Subject to God’s Laws and Commandments! – The majority of a people or nation must proceed in a righteous direction in order to continue to receive the “Blessings of God”. We were told this from the very beginning; and all the money you have and rely on has on it the phrase “In God We Trust”. We are One Nation Under God, with Liberty and Justice for ALL”; Subject to God’s Laws and Commandments!  And Any Nation or People that forgets God Shall Perish!
(Deuteronomy 8:19-20,  30:19,  Psalm 9:17).

The road may be rocky for many in these “latter days” as perilous times are abundant; and many people are experiencing an economic nightmare in a deep dive. Cities that are marching in the wrong direction will become “pillars of salt” and suffer the same fate as Sodom and Gomorrah. There are those who profess to know the way, but they have no panaceas for the immense problems of today. They may have political positions or fancy titles, but with no economic power, and leading many in the wrong direction marching off a cliff. It is indeed a sad situation when so many people have itching ears and will gladly follow those who teach fables  (I Timothy 4:1,  II Timothy 4:3-4).

Mothers are crying and children are dying from the out of control crime and violence all over the land, with mass shootings, drive by shootings, freeway shootings, robberies, etc.  A Falling Away – Turning away from God’s Laws and Commandments will lead to more death and destruction as prophesied. One Nation Under God will give us Liberty and Justice for ALL; when we become subject to “God’s Laws and Commandments”.

We have a choice, Blessings or Curses, Life or Death . . .  We are at The Critical Crossroads and it is incumbent upon you to choose Life and Blessings. Repent – Change Directions,  Believe – Trust God!  (Deuteronomy 11;26-28,  30;19)

There is A Way Out!  (II Chronicles 7:14,  I Timothy 2:5,  St. John 10:30,  14:6) 



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