Thursday, February 8, 2024


Freedom – Peace and Justice are Not Mutually Exclusive

There is a tremendous yearning for Peace all over the world in the midst of these troublous times. The Perils of today which is upon this latter day generation (“fig tree generation”) was prophesied millenniums ago; and we were told of the major events occurring today among us. There are wars and rumors of wars all over the world, but the “Signs of the End” tell us the end is not yet. There shall be affliction not since the beginning of creation; these are the “days of vengeance that all things that are written may be fulfilled”.  

There is “distress of nations (people) with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring”. The abnormal has been substituted for the normal. Wrong has be substituted for right and evil substituted for good. Some will not understand; they walk on in darkness: “all of the foundations of the earth are out of course” and a correction is coming.

Many people are praying for peace all over the world in the midst of all the chaos and confusion in these troublous times. Prophecy tells us that this generation (“fig tree generation”) shall not pass until ALL Prophecy is fulfilled. Daniel tells us of troublous times and what the end will be, and Ezekiel tells us about the “day of trouble” and an end is come. Zechariah tells us the “city that will be a burdensome stone for ALL people” and houses rifled and women ravished.

Revelation tells us what happens at each of the Seven Seals, Trumps and Vials; and that the number of the anti Christ is 666. There is Only One True Living God that can keep us from the “hour of temptation, which shall come upon ALL the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth” (Revelation 3:10).

There is a test to see who are obedient to the “Word of Truth”. There shall be true freedom, peace and justice in the “millennium” to those who are obedient to the “Word of Truth”! We can choose to walk in the light and not stumble walking on the dark side of the road. Don’t be among those who fall by the wayside, among thorns, in stony places and not on good ground. We have been “foretold ALL things (St. Mark 13:23,  St. Matthew 24:25).

We truly need God’s Great Providence to guide us safely through these perilous times here in these latter days. We know that we shall ALL be together in God’s Great Millennium Reign receiving his Blessings for being obedient to the “Word of Truth”. Keep us Heavenly Father within your Precious Grace until that great day; this we ask in Jesus name!
There is a Way Out!  St. John 14:6*

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