Friday, June 1, 2018

An Apparent World Peace Precedes The Arrival of
The Anti-Christ (Satan-Serpent-Dragon-Devil)

As we get deeper and deeper into these latter days here in this fig tree generation, there is a yearning all over the world for a lasting peace. The troubles and perilous times of today were prophesied millenniums ago. We were given the Signs of the end of this Earth Age (flesh) in St. Matthew 24:1-51, St. Mark 13:1-37, St. Luke 21:1-38. This fig tree generation SHALL not pass until ALL Prophesy is fulfilled (St. Matthew 24:34, St. Mark 13:30, St. Luke 21:32).

The Anti-Christ (Satan-Serpent-Dragon-Devil) comes in Peacefully and Prosperously (Daniel 8:23-25,  11:21-24).  He gets cast down to earth, and is known by many names (Revelation 12:9-12,  13:11-13,  20:2).

Events of today are indicating a move toward an apparent world peace with many leaders all over the world seeking to make agreements. The Anti-Christ has off-springs here on earth today paving the way for his return (Genesis 3:13-16,  St. Matthew 13:38,  St. John 8:44,  I John 3:12).  A Third of the people followed The Anti-Christ  (Satan-Serpent-Dragon-Devil) in the First Earth Age (spiritual)  (Revelation 1:20,  12:3-4). A third of the people today are un-moveable from their position or beliefs. But, The Hour of Temptation Shall Come upon ALL The World, to try them that dwell upon the earth (Revelation 3:10).

We were told to learn a parable of the fig tree (St. Matthew 24:32-33,  St. Mark 13:28-29,  St. Luke 21:29-31).  This is the fig tree generation that Shall Not Pass until ALL Prophesy is fulfilled! (Jeremiah 24:1-10).  The Anti-Christ (Satan-Serpent-Dragon-Devil) Shall return, at the 6th Trump, 6th Seal, 6th Vial, 666  (Revelation 13:18).  

We Are in A Spiritual War (Ephesians 6:11-13).

There is Only One Way Out, AMEN!   St. John 14:6

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