Sunday, August 5, 2018

Acquire Economic Skills & Move Up The Economic Ladder

It is imperative that more of our young people Acquire The Economic Skills that will enable them to compete effectively in this highly technical 21st century Global Economy. Many people go to colleges and universities and get degrees and no skills. They graduate with fancy sounding degrees and burdensome student debt, but no Economic Skills. Many will remain on the bottom of the economic ladder in dead end jobs with no rising wages, as they were not trained by their colleges and universities for the skilled jobs that exist in the marketplace.

A rising tide does not raise all boats; a rising tide will only raise all seaworthy boats. A rising economy does not raise all wages; a rising economy will raise all wages that have Economic Skills. Acquire Economic Skills and don’t be lazy and remain stuck in the river’s mud-pile at low tide. We are not all in the same boat; get into a boat with Economic Skills and move on up the Economic Ladder, and don’t remain stuck in a low wage boat full of holes and sinking. There is a skills gap in the workplace that will only get larger in the years ahead that will keep many in poverty and reduce the competitiveness of businesses in the Global Economy. Many mid level Economic Skills are needed, get yours.

Study and Work – Study and Work!     Show Thyself Approved Unto God
 (I Thessalonians 4:11-12,  II Thessalonians 3:10-12,  II Timothy 2:15,  3:16).

Joy cometh in the morning, but not for everyone, Joy cometh in the morning to them who are obedient to God’s Word (Psalm 30:5,  Deuteronomy 11:26-28,  Isaiah 1:19). Many people are traveling all over everywhere seeking comfort, but the Comforter is already here for all who seek him (St. John 16:7-14).  In these perilous latter days it is easy to become distracted by events of the day, and there is a Luciferian Influence that is all over the land creating chaos and confusion for many people. It is imperative to remain focused on truth, and don’t get misled by the wiles of the Evil One.

We are in a Spiritual War, the rulers of the darkness of this world are a-roaming all over the land, with spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:11-13). 

There is rest for weary souls. There is Only One Way Out, AMEN!  St. John 14:6.



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