Saturday, December 19, 2020

 There Is Only One Way, AMEN!

There is No New Thing Under The Sun! The Thing That Hath Been, is That Which Shall Be; and That Which is Done is That Which Shall Be Done: and There is No New Thing Under The Sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). The Perilous Times Here in These Latter Days were Prophesied to Happen Millenniums Ago. The Land Can Not Be Healed Until There is a Return to God’s Principles and Commandments  by The People  (II Chronicles 7:14,  Ezekiel 7:15,  Daniel 9:11,  Deuteronomy 28:13).

Jesus Stated That There Would Be Affliction Such as Was Not Since The Creation, and That Iniquity Shall Abound. Iniquity is Wickedness, Evil, Wicked Acts By Evil People, Increasing Every Day Right Before Our Eyes. The Wickedness and Evil of Today is Plentiful and in Abundance, Just as Prophesied. Man Cannot Save Himself, and Must Put on The Whole Armour of God to Protect Himself From The Wiles of The Devil  (St. Mark 13:19,  St. Luke 21:22,  Ephesians 6:11-13).

The People and Nations are in Distress, and Men’s Hearts Failing Them For Fear, and For Looking At Those Things Which Are Coming Upon The Earth. It is Time to Put on The New Man, Which is Renewed in Knowledge After The Image of Him That Created Him . . .  And Be Renewed in The Spirit of Your Mind; and That Ye Put on The New Man, Which After God is Created in Righteousness and True Holiness  (Colossians 3:10,  Ephesians 4:23-24).

Jesus Said, I Will Recompense Upon You Your Abominations . . . and I Will Send The Pestilence Among You Until You Repent and Return to Me . . .   God is Not Mocked, and Whatsoever a Man Soweth, That Shall He Also Reap. Affliction Abounds and These Are The Days of Vengeance, That All Things Written May Be Fulfilled. This Generation (fig tree generation) Shall Not Pass Until ALL Prophecy is Fulfilled.

Some People Who Have Assumed Certain Positions are Themselves a Roadblock to Progress. They Can’t See or Refuse to Walk in The Light, and For Them It’s Midnight at High Noon. A Luciferian Influence is Permeating The Land, With Spiritual Wickedness in High Places, and The Rulers of The Darkness of This World Misleading Many.  The Land Can Be Healed!  Return to God’s Principles and Commandments!   St. John 14:6.                        

Thursday, October 1, 2020


Happening Soon! – Happening Now!

St. Matthew 24:5-8,  21-22
False Christs Deceiving Many – Wars and Rumors of Wars, Earthquakes, Pestilences (widespread disease, pandemics)
Great Tribulation.

St. Mark 13:5-8,  19-20,  23
False Christs Deceiving Many – Wars and Rumors of Wars
Troubles, Sorrows, Affliction – Behold, We Have Been Foretold
ALL Things. 

St. Luke 21:8-11,  22
False Christs Deceiving Many – Wars and Rumors of Wars, Earthquakes, Pestilences (widespread disease, pandemics)
Days of Vengeance, That ALL Things Which Are Written May Be Fulfilled. Great Distress in The Land, and Wrath Upon This People. Distress of Nations, With Perplexity; The Wind and The Waves Roaring; (hurricanes). Men’s Hearts Failing Them for Fear, and For Looking After Those Things Which Are Coming On The Earth: 

Jusus Gave Us These “Signs of The End” Chapters Telling Us Exactly What Would Occur in This Generation Before The End of This Earth Age. ALL Prophecy Shall Come to Pass Exactly as Written Before This Generation (“fig tree generation”) Passes.

Return to God’s Principles and Commandments!
The Land Can Be Healed!   II Chronicles 7:14,  Deuteronomy 28:13,
St. John 14:6.

Sunday, August 23, 2020


Perilous Times in The Latter Days!
Return to God’s Principles and Commandments!

As We Get Deeper and Deeper into These Perilous Times Here in These Latter Days of this “fig tree generation” Many People are Getting Stressed Out by The Events of the Day. There are Troubles, Sorrows (pain, grief) all over and Iniquity abounds all over The Land. The Devil’s Disciples are here today roaming all over deceiving many people, and causing them untold stress and pain.

Some People May Believe That They Have a Panacea Just Because They Have a Voice and Platform to Be Heard in The Public Square; BUT, There is Only One True Voice (The Holy Word of God) The Only Platform on Solid Ground, and a Perfect Panacea!

Jesus Prophesied of the End Times (latter days) and Gave Us The “Signs of The End” Chapters in God’s Holy Bible. The Land Will Not Be Healed Until We Come Back to Adhering to God’s Principles and Commandments that He Gave Us Millenniums Ago. Jesus Told Us That in These “End Times” (latter days) that There Would Be Troubles, Pestilences (widespread disease) Sorrows (pain, grief) among a list of Events Named in The “Signs of The End” Chapters (St. Matthew Chapter 24, St. Mark Chapter 13, St. Luke Chapter 21).

A Change Will Come! – The Choice is Yours! – This Generation (fig tree generation) Shall Not Pass Until ALL Latter Day Prophecy is Fulfilled Exactly as Written in God’s Holy Word!

We Are in A Spiritual War! – A Luciferian Influence Has Permeated The Land. You Must Put on The Whole Armour of God to Protect Yourself From The Wiles of The Devil. The Devil and His Evil spirits can Hibernate in Drugs and Alcohol to Deceive and Mislead You into Believing That You Can Drink and Smoke Your Problems Away.
But, Drunkards, Sorcerers (dope-heads) Liars, Murders, Thieves, etc. Will Not Enter Into The Kingdom of God. Don’t Be Misled By The Wiles of The Devil.  Ephesians 6:11-13,   I Corinthians 6:9-10,
Revelation 21:8.

A Change Will Come! - The Choice is Yours! – The Land Can Be healed!  There is A Way Out – Return to God’s Principles and Commandments!   II Chronicles 7:14,  St. John 14:6.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

                         The Land Can Be Healed If, IF, IF . . .
            II Chronicles 7:14 is Adhered To.

             There is Only One Way, AMEN!

                           St. John 14:6

Monday, June 1, 2020

The Anti Christ (Serpent-Satan-Dragon-Devil) Returns to Earth First -
Before Jesus Christ Returns to Earth at 2nd Advent

The Signs of The End Chapters tell Us Exactly What Will Occur in These Latter Days Here in This “Fig Tree Generation”. Jesus explicitly Stated That This Generation (Fig Tree Generation) Shall Not Pass Until ALL Prophecy is Fulfilled. Jesus Foretold of The Troubles of These Latter Days Where There Would Be Pestilences (widespread disease) Distress of Nations, With Perplexity; The Sea and The Waves Roaring; etc. (St. Matthew Ch. 24,  St. Mark Ch. 13,  St. Luke Ch. 21).

The Anti Christ (Devil) Returns to Earth First, Before The Return of Jesus Christ (II Thessalonians 2:1-4,  Revelation 12:7-12, 20:2).  Many People are Stressed Out By The Current Events of The Day and Will Be Caught Up By The Wiles of The Anti Christ (Devil). Many Who Do Not Have The Seal of God (Holy Scriptures) in Their Foreheads Will Be Deceived By The Wiles (Tricks) of The Devil.

We are in a Spiritual War (Ephesians 6:11-13).  You Must Put on The Whole Armour of God to Protect Yourself From The Wiles of The Devil. The Rulers of The Darkness of This World are Causing Chaos and Confusion just to Deceive and Mislead Many People. These Disciples of The Devil (Dragon-Serpent-Satan) are Just Paving The Way for The Return of The Anti Christ (St. John 8:44,  II Corinthians 11:13-15,  Revelation 12:7-12).

This “fig tree generation” SHALL Not Pass Until ALL Prophecy is Fulfilled!  Return to God’s Principles and Commandments!

There is Only One Way, AMEN!    St. John 14:6

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Solution is in The Scriptures
There is No New Thing Under The Sun

The Thing that hath been, is that which Shall Be; and That which is Done is That Which Shall Be Done: and There is No New Thing Under The Sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Behold, We Have Been Foretold ALL Things  (St. Mark 13:23).

We were told millenniums ago what Shall Befall this “fig tree generation” here in these Latter Days. This generation Shall Not Pass until All Prophecy is Fulfilled exactly as written; whether or not you believe it or understand it. We were told to Study God’s Holy Word; and to Observe and Do them;  Return to God’s Principles and Commandments.  The Choice is Yours!

We need not keep marching off the deep end of the cliff. There is Babble and Confusion all over the world, with many people being stressed out. A Luciferian Influence has permeated the land with some Evil people spewing out Demonic and Satanic statements intending to deceive and mislead many people. A 24/7 Demonic soap opera.

The Devil (Dragon-Satan-Serpent) has seed (off springs) here on earth today just paving the way for his return as the Anti Christ. His off springs (sons of Cain-Kenites) are well documented in the Word of God; and they are here today carrying out his Evil Deeds. One just has to observe the tragic events of today to see their Evil Deeds upon God’s  great land. The Rulers of the Darkness of this world now have support in many areas from these children of the Devil. This is Written and Well Documented in the Word of God  (Genesis 3:15,  St. John 8:44,  II Corinthians 11:13-15,  Revelation 12:7-12).

The Signs of The End Chapters foretell of  many false Christ, of Troubles, Sorrows, Pestilences (widespread diseases), Earthquakes, Wars and Rumors of Wars, Famines (for hearing Word of God), and nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, fearful sights, and signs from Heaven.  (St. Matthew Chapter 24,  St. Mark Chapter 13,  St. Luke Chapter 21).  Amos 8:11 tell us what the famine of the end time Shall be (a famine for hearing the Word of God).  This “fig tree generation” was told what would occur here in these Latter Days; and that ALL Prophecy Shall be fulfilled before this generation passes.

The “Hour of Temptation” (5 months Anti Christ on earth) Shall come upon All the world to try them that dwell upon the earth. The Anti Christ and his fallen angels shall come first exactly as prophesied (Revelation 3:10,  9:4-5,  12:7-12, 
II Thessalonians 2:1-4).

We are in a Spiritual War, and you must put on the Whole Armour of God to protect yourself from the Wiles of the Devil  (Ephesians 6:11-13,  16-18).  Return to God’s Principles and Commandments.  The Solution is in The Scriptures!
There is Only One Way, AMEN!  St. John 14:6

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Daniel Had a Vision of The End Times
Daniel Foresaw a Western Goat (Ruler) in The Latter Days

Daniel was given Visions and foresaw All the World Governments that were to exist from his day through the End Times of these Latter Days (Now). Daniel was by the river U-lai, and saw in a Vision, a Ram (Persia-Iran) which had two horns: and the Ram was pushing westward, and northward, and southward. And a he Goat (Ruler) came from the west on the face of the whole earth, “and touched not the ground”: and the Goat had a notable horn between his eyes (Daniel 8:1-5).

The Goat (Ruler) came to the Ram (Persia-Iran) and ran into him in the fury of his power, and the Goat was moved with Choler and smote the Ram and cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him (Daniel 8:6-7). Therefore the he Goat waxed (increased) very great: and when he was strong, the great horn (power) was broken; and for it came up four notable ones (Nations) toward the four winds of Heaven (Daniel 8:8). And out of one of them came forth a little horn (antichrist) and it cast down some of the host and of the Stars (God’s children) to the ground, and stamped upon them.

Daniel foresaw the fall of Babylon by Medo-Persia; and the fall of Medo-Persia by Alexander the great of Greece. And the Vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: . . .

This Vision (Prophecy) also clearly refers to a Latter Day Event (today-now) and describes an attack by a Western Ruler attacking Persia (Iran) by Air. The Vision showed the Goat (Ruler) attacking, “and touching not the ground”. This Vision was millenniums ago before airplanes, missiles, etc. so why did Daniel see the he Goat (Ruler) attacking Persia (Iran) “and touching not the ground”. God showed Daniel the Vision and God knew that Man would have airplanes, missiles, etc. here in these Latter Days (today-now).

This Vision (Prophecy) clearly foretells of current events here in these Latter Days in this “fig tree generation”. It fits the events confronting the situation unfolding today right before us. Persia changed its name to Iran in 1935, and this Vision also applies to these Latter Days, as it clearly states that “for at the time of the end Shall be the Vision” (Daniel 8:16-21).  The Ram is Persia (Iran).

Daniel goes on to describe the subsequent events and actions of the little horn (antichrist) . . . and the calamities the little horn brings in during the latter days here in this “fig tree generation”. Daniel tells us why the “Curses of Moses” would befall on this “fig tree generation” in these latter days (Daniel 9:11-14,  Deuteronomy 28:15-65).

The vision was “shut up” (not understood) until the end times; “for at the time of the end Shall be the Vision”. The Vision can now be understood here in these latter days in this “fig tree generation” (Daniel 12:9-10). This generation “Shall Not Pass until All Prophecy is fulfilled!

The Signs of the End Chapters also tell us what will happen here in these Latter Days (St. Matthew Chapter 24,   St. Mark Chapter 13,                St. Luke Chapter 21).
          The Solution is in The Scriptures, AMEN!