Saturday, December 19, 2020

 There Is Only One Way, AMEN!

There is No New Thing Under The Sun! The Thing That Hath Been, is That Which Shall Be; and That Which is Done is That Which Shall Be Done: and There is No New Thing Under The Sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). The Perilous Times Here in These Latter Days were Prophesied to Happen Millenniums Ago. The Land Can Not Be Healed Until There is a Return to God’s Principles and Commandments  by The People  (II Chronicles 7:14,  Ezekiel 7:15,  Daniel 9:11,  Deuteronomy 28:13).

Jesus Stated That There Would Be Affliction Such as Was Not Since The Creation, and That Iniquity Shall Abound. Iniquity is Wickedness, Evil, Wicked Acts By Evil People, Increasing Every Day Right Before Our Eyes. The Wickedness and Evil of Today is Plentiful and in Abundance, Just as Prophesied. Man Cannot Save Himself, and Must Put on The Whole Armour of God to Protect Himself From The Wiles of The Devil  (St. Mark 13:19,  St. Luke 21:22,  Ephesians 6:11-13).

The People and Nations are in Distress, and Men’s Hearts Failing Them For Fear, and For Looking At Those Things Which Are Coming Upon The Earth. It is Time to Put on The New Man, Which is Renewed in Knowledge After The Image of Him That Created Him . . .  And Be Renewed in The Spirit of Your Mind; and That Ye Put on The New Man, Which After God is Created in Righteousness and True Holiness  (Colossians 3:10,  Ephesians 4:23-24).

Jesus Said, I Will Recompense Upon You Your Abominations . . . and I Will Send The Pestilence Among You Until You Repent and Return to Me . . .   God is Not Mocked, and Whatsoever a Man Soweth, That Shall He Also Reap. Affliction Abounds and These Are The Days of Vengeance, That All Things Written May Be Fulfilled. This Generation (fig tree generation) Shall Not Pass Until ALL Prophecy is Fulfilled.

Some People Who Have Assumed Certain Positions are Themselves a Roadblock to Progress. They Can’t See or Refuse to Walk in The Light, and For Them It’s Midnight at High Noon. A Luciferian Influence is Permeating The Land, With Spiritual Wickedness in High Places, and The Rulers of The Darkness of This World Misleading Many.  The Land Can Be Healed!  Return to God’s Principles and Commandments!   St. John 14:6.                        

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