Thursday, October 1, 2020


Happening Soon! – Happening Now!

St. Matthew 24:5-8,  21-22
False Christs Deceiving Many – Wars and Rumors of Wars, Earthquakes, Pestilences (widespread disease, pandemics)
Great Tribulation.

St. Mark 13:5-8,  19-20,  23
False Christs Deceiving Many – Wars and Rumors of Wars
Troubles, Sorrows, Affliction – Behold, We Have Been Foretold
ALL Things. 

St. Luke 21:8-11,  22
False Christs Deceiving Many – Wars and Rumors of Wars, Earthquakes, Pestilences (widespread disease, pandemics)
Days of Vengeance, That ALL Things Which Are Written May Be Fulfilled. Great Distress in The Land, and Wrath Upon This People. Distress of Nations, With Perplexity; The Wind and The Waves Roaring; (hurricanes). Men’s Hearts Failing Them for Fear, and For Looking After Those Things Which Are Coming On The Earth: 

Jusus Gave Us These “Signs of The End” Chapters Telling Us Exactly What Would Occur in This Generation Before The End of This Earth Age. ALL Prophecy Shall Come to Pass Exactly as Written Before This Generation (“fig tree generation”) Passes.

Return to God’s Principles and Commandments!
The Land Can Be Healed!   II Chronicles 7:14,  Deuteronomy 28:13,
St. John 14:6.

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